When Martini Sippers Go Feral | Eastern North Carolina Now

Dirty politics in Washington, North Carolina rears its ugly head.

   “A party, or any institution that is in power or in opposition, does all things to get only for its own goal and interests, no matter in a legal way or through illegal resources, like forces, print and electronic media, and negative propaganda among the people , spending the millions of money for this. It is called dirty politics by the support of evil spirits.” These words were written by author Ehsan Sehgal and they ring true in local politics as much as federal or state politics.

   The current election in the City of Washington is a case in point. Now let me preface this article that political disagreements, questioning the misappropriation of funds, misconduct by bureaucrats and elected officials and pointing out corruption and cover-ups is not dirty politics … it's known as whistle-blowing and the purpose of campaigns. Personally trying to turn your opponent into Satan, telling blatant lies and committing crimes to keep your claws dug into the pillars of power is dirty politics to its core and it is going on here in Washington.

   Now this article will reference attacks on my campaign but for illustrious purposes only. The real object of these attacks is you the taxpayer and normal citizen that is expected to shut the hell up, let the bureaucracy and the elected officials do what they want, and never, ever point out when they've screwed up, engaged in corrupt or unethical activities or malfeasance. Their martini sipping buddies run things behind the scenes and like to think they are impervious to criticism. So when someone such as myself comes along, that person must be defeated at all costs. They need to send a message to you that you better not criticize them publicly like I do.

   To date, 30 of my yard signs and other signs have been stolen. Most directly from people's front yards while others removed from intersections and replaced with signs of other candidates. Now this is par for the course in any election and though its deplorable its unfortunately the norm. But the latest tact taken, while I'm on jury duty and cannot directly respond to each instance, is both illegal and immoral. Many businesses in town, particularly Latino-owned businesses have backed my campaign for more participation by all citizens of the city in their municipal government, repeal of the job-killing storm water fees and cleaning up trashed neighborhoods. Well the opposition to me has taken to calling every business owner in town to “inform” them that I hate “people of color and Latinos in particular”. The woman making this call has identified herself as a former immigration lawyer that used to work for the city. I know this because several of the business owners that know she's spreading lies have called me to tell me. And when I do find out exactly who it is I will publish her name. I have my suspicions but I'm not going to publish on suspicions alone. But the public deserves to know.

   So why besides what's already been mentioned is the opposition so against me? Well the “cultured” martini sippers that are used to running things see the writing on the wall, if not in this election in future elections that their time in power is coming to an end. They've gone feral and decided to defeat me and more importantly the ideas and openness I represent by any means necessary. Their lies should be exposed and we ought to put the feral martini sippers' desire to spend profusely, ignore the normal people and promote misery for all for their benefit in the proverbial cage.

   Remember early voting starts October 19th and Election Day is November 7th.
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