Virginia county Registrar indicted for altering 2020 presidential vote counts | Eastern North Carolina Now

Prince William County, Virginia is not likely the only place this happened


A Democrat former election official, Prince William County Registrar Michele White, is under indictment for corruption for altering the vote count in the 2020 presidential race in that county.   If there were an honest investigation of that elections, there would probably be many more such indictments.

This comes as a Democrat voter registration and turnout group in Georgia founded by longtime election denier Stacey Abrams and once led by Raphael Warnock is facing investigations for fraud.

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( December 1st, 2023 @ 6:23 pm )
RH: Please don't tell me that there exists corrupt judges and prosecutors. We just 'cannot lose any more faith in any more of our institutions' ... can we?
( December 1st, 2023 @ 4:58 pm )
At least Georgia is going to be busted open on two fronts. One the lawsuit financed by Mike Lindell has found so much evidence that even an Obama judge has ordered that case to trial in federal court. Also in the Fani Willis charade, one of the defendants is subpoenaing all of the things that the Georgia Secretary of State covered up in the vote count.

It is the knee jerk loony left like you, Bobbie, that is either crazy or evil or both.
Big Bob said:
( December 1st, 2023 @ 4:21 pm )
Its not, and you're bordering on crazy.
( December 1st, 2023 @ 10:30 am )
In one Virginia county, they would not affect who won the presidency, but here is a Democrat official finally indicted for altering election results in the 2020 presidential race. That is just the tip of an iceberg that will probably never be fully explored.
Big Bob said:
( November 30th, 2023 @ 11:13 pm )
Eric Olsen, the county’s current voter registrar, took the reins in November 2021, following the General Election. Olsen tells Potomac Local News White’s actions did not affect the election’s outcome and that he reported the discrepancies to the State Board of Elections, prompting the investigation.

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