War on History: 40% of Dems support tearing down George Washington - poll | Eastern North Carolina Now

NYC actually considering tearing down George Washington memorials


A new Rasmussen poll shows that 40% of Democrat voters support a proposal in New York City to tear down memorials to our first president and Revolutionary War commander in chief, George Washington.  However, Democrats are out of touch with most of America.  Among all likely voters, 82% have a favorable impression of President George Washington.



This is how bad the "woke" war on history has become in our country.  It is very similar to Mao-Tse-Tung's disastrous Cultural Revolution.  It started with attacks on southern leaders from the War Between the States, and has moved on to a wide variety of American heroes.  Washington is not the first Revolutionary War general face being cancelled by the far left's woke War on History and probably will not be the last.  We need to stand up for our heritage against these anti-American activists of woke.


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( February 5th, 2024 @ 7:04 pm )
Republican voters may be proud of our history but some of the RINO liberal politicians in the GOP are not. Take Nikki Haley, Congressman Greg Murphy, and Beaufort County Commissioner Randy Walker, for example. All of them have gone along with the far left's attempts to cancel Southern history, and all deserve to be defeated in their election campaigns.

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