Facebook's former DEI manager is jailed for fraud | Eastern North Carolina Now

the whole DEI circus is a fraud


The Marxist and racist DEI circus seems to be on the ropes. Multiple states have banned it in their schools and universities, most recently UNC-Chapel Hill.  The British government just began firing hundreds of DEI staff within their government.

Now, Facebook's former DEI manager, Barbara Furlow-Smiles, has been convicted of fraud in federal court and given a five year prison sentence.  She stole $5 million of corporate funds earmarked for DEI programs.  What a perfect face for DEI, a fraudster running a fraudulent program.


Several conservative politicians, including NC DPI Superintendant nominee Michelle Morrow, have defined DEI as standing for "Division, Exclusion, Indoctrination", but Sean Ono Lennon, son of John Lennon of the Beatles, probably said it best when he said that DEI stands for "Dumb Evil Idiots".

The sad thing is that DEI is now being promoted at Beafort County Communisty College.

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