On politics and faith | Eastern North Carolina Now

God is in control


By Adam Dooley
Christian Action League
August 2, 2024

The unprecedented nature of the upcoming presidential election cannot be overstated. In one corner you have a former president, Donald J. Trump, who lost his previous reelection bid and survived a recent assassination attempt. In the other stands a replacement candidate, Kamala Harris, who garnered a meager sixth place finish in her 2020 presidential run before signing on as Joe Biden’s running mate.

For the Democratic Party, the current president’s abrupt withdrawal from the race really has no historical parallel. Though incumbents Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson also chose not to seek reelection due to failing support within their own party, each did so before the end of March, a full seven months before election day. Biden’s exit just 107 days before the nation chooses its next leader ultimately means that Democratic delegates, rather than voters, determined who will ride their donkey into November. Only time will tell if the American people affirm or reject their tactical moves.

Added to the aforementioned oddities is the incessant drama surrounding what many are calling the most important election in our lifetime (a common refrain every four years). Admittedly, each party represents a dichotomous vision for our country that cannot be reconciled. While political pundits continue to talk about undecided voters being the determinative factor in the next few months, it is difficult to imagine that anyone who’s paying attention doesn’t already know who will receive their vote. Rest assured, no matter who wins, half of our citizenry will be warning about the end of democracy as we know it.

My opinions are just as strong as yours, I assure you. In fact, my temptation to panic is real and my sporadic anger over today’s political realities reveals an uncomfortable inconsistency in my faith. Yet, even during a divisive season like this, the Spirit continually pulls me back to the reality that God is hardly intimidated by that which causes me anxiety. With that in mind, allow me to share a few certainties to keep in mind no matter the outcome on November 5th.

First, God is Sovereign Over All Governments, No Matter
Who Leads Them.
God establishes all governmental authority in order to accomplish His purposes (Rom. 13:1). Sometimes He raises up godly leaders to be a conduit of His blessings on a nation. Or, He may choose a wicked ruler as a means of judgment on a people. Our tendency to believe that God loses when an unbeliever wins an election or makes bad decisions is patently false. The Bible doesn’t suggest that God tolerates wicked leadership despite His desires otherwise, but that He ordains leadership according to His greater plan. 

Thus, a wicked Pharaoh became a testimony of God’s glory throughout the earth (Rom. 9:7). God appointed the first king over Israel as an act of judgment against them (1 Sam. 10:1; 10:18). Thankfully, the same God later chose David (1 Sam. 16:12) to establish the throne of the Messiah and bless the nations forever. But in both instances, the Lord can, and did, use good and evil leaders to achieve His goals for history.

These biblical examples are not an anomaly. When the Northern Kingdom of Israel rebelled against Lord’s covenant, an evil Assyrian power became “the rod” of God’s anger and “the staff” of His indignation, which He sent and commissioned against His own people (Isaiah 10:5-6). Nearly 150 years later, God also positioned a depraved Babylonian Empire to correct Israel’s Southern Kingdom (Judah) for their spiritual idolatry (2 Kings 20:17).  Remarkably, God describes the ruler of Babylon, the degenerate King Nebuchadnezzar in very purposeful terms.

Daniel 2:37- 38 reads, “You, O king, are the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, the strength and the glory; and wherever the sons of men dwell, or the beasts of the field, or the birds of the sky, He has given them into your hand and has caused you to rule over them all. You are the head of gold.”

What does this glowing review communicate? No panic in heaven whatsoever. But why? Because in Israel long ago and in America today, God establishes all authority that exists. Or, to use scriptural language, He changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings (Dan. 2:21). No matter who our next president might be, the Lord remains thoroughly purposeful and perfectly in control.

Do you remember what Jesus said before Pilate? No governmental atrocity in history compares to the reckless, shortsighted decision to crucify the Son of God. Yet, Jesus refused to wilt in the face of the injustice unfolding before Him because He understood God the Father was sovereign and the cross was necessary. Therefore, with confidence our Savior declared to Pilate, “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered Me to you has the greater sin (John 19:11).”

Don’t be fooled by the corruption of Washington, D.C. or the genuine disappointment you feel toward our politicians – God is still in control. I refuse to tremble in the shadow of a misguided electorate when the Lord of heaven and earth reigns on high. The kingdom of Christ marches on even as the nations of the earth rise and fall. Even when the principles of liberty and freedom are in jeopardy, God’s plan and purposes are not.

Second, this World is Not Our Home.
Without question, Christians should use our energies and rights as citizens to build a nation that honors the Lord. Much of the current outcry against Christian nationalism is nothing more than the efforts of secular progressives to shame those seeking to be salt and light into silence. Believers have a sacred obligation to live out our faith in the public square.

In doing so, however, we should always remember that we desire a better country that only eternity can provide (Heb. 11:16). Like Abraham, we are looking for a city whose architect and builder is God (Heb. 11:10). I don’t ever want to be so at home here that there is no longing in my heart for the world that is to come. We must be sure that our current lament over the direction of our nation is not a reflection of misplaced treasure rather than a biblical love for country (Matt. 6:19-21). My heart breaks for America, but it does not belong to it.

So, I will vote according to Scriptural principles, even as I use my influence to encourage others to do the same. I will pray for the nation that I love and seek to live out my faith without apology. I will work with my whole heart for the betterment of my community and my country. But I will rest knowing that God’s agenda is bigger and better than mine. And I will trust that no matter what this next election brings, the Lord is not shaken.

Dr. Adam B. Dooley is pastor of Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, TN, and author of Hope When Life Unravels. Contact him at adooley@ebcjackson.org. Follow him on Twitter @AdamBDooley.

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Big Bob said:
( August 11th, 2024 @ 9:50 pm )
Absolutely not. I’m all gun all the time. Sure, we lose a few kids now and again, but well worth it. AmIright!!!!
( August 11th, 2024 @ 8:59 pm )
A good guy with a gun often stops the bad actors and prevents shootings, stabbings, house invasions, etc. Bobbie does not want the criminals shot up so that they will be able to vote Democrat from the jail like Tim Walz promoted in Minnesota. Little Bobbie would have marched with George III's redcoats to try to seize the patriots guns at Lexingon and Concord.
Big Bob said:
( August 9th, 2024 @ 11:40 pm )
I agree. Don’t care who gets shot up. President, school kinds. Screw them all, no living person has more rights than my gun. Don’t care how many of you get killed. I can own a 100 guns, have a prescription for thorazene and beat the crap out of my wife- I get all the guns I want.
Big Bob said:
( August 9th, 2024 @ 11:44 pm )
I agree. Don’t care who gets shot up. President, school kinds. Screw them all, no living person has more rights than my gun. Don’t care how many of you get killed. I can own a 100 guns, have a prescription for thorazene and beat the crap out of my wife- I get all the guns I want.
( August 9th, 2024 @ 6:43 pm )
Absolutely YES. Police statistics in gun controlled countries like the UK and Germany show an explosion in knife crime, including mass knifings.

The Czech Republic learned its lesson after years of totalitarian rule, first by the Nazis and then by the communists. They know an armed citizenry is a deterrant to totalitarianism, so they passed first a very strong gun rights statute, and then an even stronger gun rights amendment to their Constitution which is stronger than our Second Amendment.

Fiercely independent Switzerland also maintains strong gun rights and has the world's second highest rate of civlian ownership of guns after the US. Switzerland even mandates that every able bodied male citizen keep a military rifle and ammo at home, ready to repel any invader.

I think I know why you on the far left want to get rid of guns. It all has to do with an old saying about socialism that "you can vote your way into socialism but not vote your way out of it. You have to shoot your way out of socialism."
Big Bob said:
( August 9th, 2024 @ 5:34 pm )
Absolutely not. Mo guns, mo guns, mo guns. This message brought to you by the GOP. My gun gun is so much more important than trumps ear.
( August 9th, 2024 @ 3:49 pm )
So, if you Democrats do something like Hitler's 1938 Reich Gun Law and largely ban guns, a law still in effect in modern Germany. The result is mass stabbings and people driving vehicles into crowds. Nuts determined to kill will find a way to do it. The same is true in the guncontrolled UK where a migrant just did a mass stabbing in a party for little girls, killing three and sending nine to the hospital. If someone had a concealed carry gun handy, they could have shot the migrant before he stabbed all those little girls, but in the UK these days, if is not easy to have a gun handy for self defense.

I am sure that Germany's Jewish population wished they still had their guns when Hitler started rounding people up for the camps, but since you are a Hamas apologist, I doubt that would trouble you. Speaking of Hamas, Israel learned a valuable lesson about how gun control kills on October 7. Those people slaughered, raped, and tortured by Hamas should have had guns to fight back.
Big Bob said:
( August 9th, 2024 @ 3:21 pm )
I know and I love it. But as things are, people are getting shot. And they’re going to get shot. Presidents to paupers. Anyone any time. I love that my gun comes first. Screw the rest of you.
( August 9th, 2024 @ 12:29 pm )
People have been able to buy guns and even cannons throughout our history. 18-year olds carry M16s in defense of our country. What is different today is the very shrill rhetoirc of the far left demonizing their opponents to the point that people think it is okay to shoot them. The right is NOT calling Kamala a cackliing Stalin in a skirt, but the far left and its media allies regularly call Trump "Hitler" and "an existential threat to democracy" even when it is the Biden-Harris Democrats who are the real threat to democracy. Weird Tim Walz even did so shortly AFTER the attempted assassination of President Trump.
Big Bob said:
( August 9th, 2024 @ 8:25 am )
Your policies allow 20 year olds to but AR-15s. What do think is going to happen?
( August 9th, 2024 @ 8:23 am )
Only conservatives and Republicans seem to get actual assassins put on their path by the over the top rhetoric of the far left, including Biden, Harris, and Walz. It was not only our presidential nominee, Donald Trump, but also a Supreme Court justice.

And going back a few years, who can forget the strange trail of bodies of people who were inconvenient to the Clintons? Or the Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to shoot up the House GOP softball team?

As far as children "listening" go read the post about Tim Walz and children.
Big Bob said:
( August 8th, 2024 @ 6:31 pm )
Last time I checked, anyone going against KH didn’t receive death threats. Can’t say the same for former president bone spurs.

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