Ultra violent Venezuelan crime gang moves HQ to US border in Juarez, Mexico | Eastern North Carolina Now

Tren de Aragua focusing on US


The extremely violent Venezuelan crime gang Tren de Aragua has moved its headquarters from Venezuela to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas.  Tren de Aragua has already established operations all over the US, with many of its thugs coming in through the Biden-Harris open borders.  The FBI recently sent out a bulletin that the crime gang has greenlighted its thugs to attack law enforcement officers in Denver, Colorado and perhaps elsewhere.

This adds more crime problems to the very violent El Salvador crime gang MS13 which is already established across the United States.  Biden-Harris have betrayed America with their open borders.


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( August 6th, 2024 @ 8:36 am )
In the sanctuary city of Chicago, over a thousand Venezuelan illegal alien criminals were arrested in just the first quarter of 2024, With Maduro opening his prisons and jails and Biden-Harris letting them in, these thugs are now a problem across America
Big Bob said:
( August 5th, 2024 @ 8:44 pm )
Saw one of them fellers down at the Walmart just yesterday....
( August 5th, 2024 @ 8:00 pm )
America is already overrun with Venezuelan criminals thanks to the Biden-Harris open borders, and dictator Maduro opening his jails to send his criminals to the US. It is not surprising that this gang has moved its headquarters to our border. America is a far and rich target for them and Biden-Harris has set us up.

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