Harris-Walz is most radical far left presidential ticket in American history | Eastern North Carolina Now

crime, immigration, taxes, energy, inflation, gun rights, gender ideology - they are FAR LEFT


The Democrat elite has chosen its tickets, without any input from their voters, and it is the most radical far left presidential ticket in American history.  "Tampon Tim" Walz is even farterh left than Harris herself, and Harris was rated the most left wing member of the US Senate in 2019, even to the left of avowed socialist Bernie Sanders.  Sanders and The Squad's AOC were ecstatic about the choice of the far left Walz.

It does not matter the issue, both Harris and Walz are far to the left of the American mainstream.  Neither one relates to the average American on crime, inflation, energy, gun rights, immigration,, radical gender ideology or any other issue.   On crime, Harris promoted leftwing bail funds to bail criminals out of jail, while Walz let his cities burn and violence and looting run wild in the streets during the BLM/ANTIFA riots.  Harris wants to decriminalize illegal border crossing while Walz said he wanted to invest in a ladder factory to help illegal aliens cross Trump's border wall, and he made Minnesota a scanctuary state for illegal aliens and gave them state drivers licenses.  

If you want to turn the USA into a clone of the old USSR, Harris-Walz is your ticket.  The selection of Walz by Harris has been resoundingly endorsed by the Democrat Socialists of America.











Elon Musk has come right out with it, tweeting that "Kamala Harris is quite literally a communist".


And here is a blast from the past,  Tampon Tim Walz' mug shot from when he was arrested in 1995 for DUI and driving 96 in a 55.  Although failed both field tests and breath tests, Walz claimed he "was not drunk" and blamed his speed on being "deaf".

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( August 7th, 2024 @ 1:04 pm )
The differences on immigration are huge. Harris and Walz are open borders amnesty hounds, while trump and Vance want to actually enforce our immigration laws for a change. They want a secure border wall and mass deportation of the illegal aliens who have swarmed over the Bdien- Harris open border.

Harris wants to decriminalize illegal immigration, like she decriminalized a lot of other things when she was California AG. As Border Czar, she presided over the Biden-Harris open borders policy. She also wants free medical care to all illegal aliens. Walz made Minnesota a sanctuary state for illegal aliens, gave them state drivers licences, and gave them free medical care and college tuition. He said Trump's border wall made him want to invest in a ladder company so illegal aliens could climb over.

Harris and Walz are out and out traitors to America.
( August 7th, 2024 @ 10:49 am )
America should be worried of the radical duo Harris and Walz. Elon Musk might even have it right that Kamala Harris is "quite literally a communist".
Big Bob said:
( August 7th, 2024 @ 9:51 am )
Wow. Trump must be worried.

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