2024 Election rigging: GOP poll watchers denied in Michigan | Eastern North Carolina Now

This is how they steal elections


Michigan is a key swing state in presidential elections, including the upcoming 2024 election.  The largest and most important county is Wayne County (Detroit).  Democrat elections officials have approved only 50 of the 700 trained poll watchers submitted by the Republican Party, but approved 2,300 Democrat pollwatchers, many barely or not trained.  That is EXACTLY how one sets the stage for a stolen election.


Only fifty poll watchers guarantees that some precincts would have no one watching them for the GOP.

We will see if the courts allow this travesty, and how many other places the Democrats try to pull these outrageous abuses.

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( August 26th, 2024 @ 4:36 pm )
This is another blatant political abuse of power by the Democrats. In 2020, we saw the Democrats kick Republican election observers out of the rooms where vote counting was going on in multiple big urban counties in key swing states. If that happens again, I hope GOP observers have the backbone to stay put and not follow these election fraud orders.
( August 26th, 2024 @ 3:42 pm )
Hanky-panky with election observation is a huge red flag that something is very seriously wrong with voting procedures. Having been certified as an international election observer in seven foreign elections, including long term ovservation as well as short term (election day) observation, this is something I never encountered in any of the eastern European elections I observed. If I had, it is certainly something I would have called attention to immediately. Having worked closely with OSCE observers, who were the most active election observation group worldwide, I know that integrity of election observation was something they also closely monitored.

The Democrats seem to be pushing American elections into banana republic territory with these moves. I wish I were confident in our courts putting a stop to it.

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