Is Kamala Harris now trying to chicken out of even the ABC debate? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Harris already chickened out of the Fox News debate


Kamala Harris has already chickened out of debating Donald Trump on Fox News, and there are now signs she is backpedalling to perhaps chicken out of the debate she agreed to on ABC News.  ABC News is owned by Disney and the Disney executive respronsible for ABC News is a big campaign contributor and longtime personal friend of Harris.

Harris had already agreed to the rules of the ABC News debate, which were the same as the previous CNN debate between Trump and BIden, but now she is trying to backpedal and demand changes.  She is demanding that the candidates be allowed "cheat sheets" they can refer to.  She is demanding a seated rather than standing format.  She is demanding that microphones not be muted when the other candidate is speaking.  All of these demands came up after she had agreed to the rules and after Trump began working with former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on debate preparation.

The Trump campaign says it intends to stick by the rules that both candidates had already agreed to.  The question is that if Harris does not get her way, will she pitch a tantrum and withdraw from the debate?

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Big Bob said:
( August 27th, 2024 @ 10:46 pm )
Yeah, Hoda is rabid. Bhahahaha. Al too!
( August 27th, 2024 @ 4:18 pm )
With rabidly leftwing and partisan Democrat biased outlets like ABC holding the debate, the questions to candidates should come from more neutral sources, or given how difficult to find those are in today's society, at least a balance of moderators. One solution would be two moderators, one chosen by each candidate. Another would be to use the Lincoln-DOuglas format where each candidate chose half the questions.
Katie said:
( August 27th, 2024 @ 1:17 pm )
The VP needs a cheat sheet..
( August 26th, 2024 @ 6:30 pm )
Kamala Harris wants voters to "buy a pig in a poke" like they stupidly did with "Lyiin Hidin' Biden in his basement campaign in 2020. Harris has no policy page on her website 40 days into the campaign and is trying to run on vibes instead of issues. She has had no unscripted interviews with even friendly media. Her convention and her speech there were a hate fest against Donald Trump but almost entirely devoid of real policy. I cannot imagine Americans falling for her smoke and mirrors campaign. Running away from debates is just another example of the cowardice in this woman.

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