Massachusetts refuses to disclose $1 Billion spent on illegal alien migrants | Eastern North Carolina Now

State GOP chairman files FOI demand for information


The liberal Democrat-run state of Massachusetts has spent a billion dollars to subsidize illegal alien migrants who have poured into their state under the BIden-Harris open borders but refuse to account for how it has been spent.  They call this secret spending "migrant crisis relief". Now the state Republican Party chairman has filed a Freedom of Information Act demand to get the answers.  This billion dollars is subsidizing 50,000 illegal aliens who are in the state.

Like New York City's experience, money has sometimes been diverted from services to American citizens.  For example, school bus service for American kids has been curtailed in Boston, but continues to run for migrant children in shelters.

Meanwhile, in southern California, there have been several incidents of illegal alien migrants trying to force their way onto school buses carrying elementary school children.  The latest incident involved 20 illegal aliens trying to force their way onto a school bus.


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( August 29th, 2024 @ 12:54 pm )
There is a huge difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal alien. A legal immigrant is barred from welfare for their first five years in the US, is required to show he or she can earn their own way in our economy and not be a burden on taxpayers, is vetted that they are not a criminal, and has a medical examination to show they are not carrying serious diseases or be a burden on our medical system. Illegal aliens do not go through any of that. Legal immigration is good, but, on the other hand, illegal immigration is a horror story that we need to end.
( August 29th, 2024 @ 12:19 pm )
North Carolina taxpayers need to find out what our state is spending on these freeloaders. Ditto, Beaufort County.

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