Nancy Pelosi, who was one of the key players in the Obama-led coup that toppled Biden as Democrat nominee and installed Kamala Harris as his replacement has stated what many have suspected on illegal immigration. She was appearing on Bill Maher's show and stated that one of the goals of the Democrat Party was to legalize the illegal aliens and give them subsidized housing. This all tracks with the Dmeocrat Party platform, but it is totally against where polls show a substantial majority of American voters stand.
Pelosi also praised California for recent legislation to provide illegal aliens with up to $150,000 to buy a home, saying "we have to make home ownership availible to all".
A recent report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform has found that subdizieing illegal alien migrants is already costing American taxpayers $150 Billion per year. Another recent study in the UK fofund that migrants between 18 and 64 (excluding students) who were not working were costing British taxpayers 8.5 Billion pounds per year (almost $10 Billion)
America desperately needs Donald Trump with his border wall and his pledge of mass deportation of illegal aliens.
Stan Deatherage said:
( September 3rd, 2024 @ 11:26 am )
Big Bob: Your logic pattern is rather simple ... just like all Democratic Socialists ... I get it.
The few states that have looked to find illegal aliens on their voter registration rolls - Yirginia. Ohio, and Texas - have each found thousands of them. The problem is the Democrat run states whose election officials just look the other way and let these invaders illegally vote. North Carolina is an example of that: |
Lankford has always been a McConnell weanie, NOT a conservative. Like McConnell has constantly done, Lankford has been a sellout to the Democrats. But to a far left dolt like Bolshevik Bob, anyone with an "R" by their name is in his little mind a "rightwinger". Bobbie would probably try to assert that Mitt Romney was a "rightwinger". Stupid.
In his one track mind, MAGA is always on what passes for his brain, but he does not even seem to comprehend in that 2014 primary, MAGA did not even exist yet. He does also not comprehend that MAGA is essentially populist conservatism that has very much in common with traditional conservatism. Traditional conservatives, and I am myself a Reagan conservative, have a lot more in common on policy with Trump than we do with establshment hacks like McConnell. Traditional conservatives wanted no part of RINO James Lankford when he ran for the Senate, and instead it is clear that they backed his conservative primary opponent. |
I said Lankford was a right winger. Not a MAGA nut.
I remember the look on his face when he realized MAGA turned against him. The utter shock on his face. Priceless. |
Stan if Trump could prove anything, he would have. There is a reason Rudi was the lead lawyer. Care to guess what that reason was? Again you insult your friends and neighbors who run BC elections.
Anyone who calls Sen. James Lankford a "right winger" is either badly misinformed or deliberately distorting the facts. When Lankford ran for an open Senate seat in 2014, he was the establishment candidate in that primary. I well remember it because his conservative challenger, T.W. Shannon was one of the candidates I contributed to that election cycle.
T.W. Shannon was Speaker of the Oklahoma State House, an African-American with enough Cherokee blood to be an enrolled member of the tribe, and a staunch conservative. His endorsements ranged from national conservative PAC's like the Senate Conservatives Fund to prominent conservative leaders like Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and Mike Lee to local Oklahoma Tea Party organizations. Lankford, on the other hand, was the candidate of the Mitch McConnell wing of the party. He had been elected to the US House as a Baptist minister who talked conservatve but quickly disappointed conservatives with his voting record, his votes on some key tax and spend bills being the ones that drew the most ire. That was a very clear choice in the primary, with Shannon being the conservative and Lankford the moderate establishment type. If that continuing disappointment Lankford runs again, I wonder who the conservative will be who brings him home. After his stupid Open Borders bill, I will be motivated to again contribute in an Oklanhoma US Senate primary. I think the dumbest thing Lankford said in trying to defend his open borders bill was trying to equate illegal aliens with legal immigrants. |
Democratic Socialists are proved to cheat.
Their script is right there in "Rules for Radicals," a major tenet of the Non Patriot Left. The collusive Left cheating in 2020 is now undeniable, and is on the lips of America's brightest. You Democratic Socialists, and you Non Patriot Leftists have now gone way too far, and your corrupt political party, supported by the corrupt Democratic Socialist Two Tiered Justice SYstem, will one day be finished. |
Trust me Stan, if Trump wins, no cheating. Harris wins, cheating. MAGA the party if grievances can’t accept they are not a majority.
Actually I have heard the phrase browning of America.’ You’ll find it on the Proud Boys and Patriot Front websites. Check it out. |
The Non Patriot Left, which I will argue controls the Democratic Socialist Party, will never forgo their Central Plan to pull the poorest from other countries to one day vote as Illegals.
We are watching for the Cheating now; we will be more knowing, and far more ready for future election cheating by the Democratic Socialists. |
There have been two immigration bills in the current Congress, the tough one that solves real problems is HB2 which has passed the House of Representatives but the Democrats are blocking it in the Senate.
The sellout bill that legitimizes a lot of Biden-Harris regimes illegal actions and power grabs was dead on arrival in the Senate, rejected by virtually all Republicans of all stripes. One of its sponsors was Undocumented Democrat / RINO / Democrat in Drag James Lankford of Oklahoma. Lankford's sellout to Biden and the far left in sponsoring that bill led to the Oklahoma Republican Party disowning him and withdrawing all support from him. He will be dogmeat in his next primary if he even runs, due to his despicable sellout to the far left. That bill was an open borders bill on steroids, but lying liberals want to call it a "tough" bill. The only ones it was tough on were American citizens and taxpayers. |
The one or two Republicans does not make for an entire party to give more money to a corrupt Democratic Socialist Party, and their Idiot President to hire more processors of Illegals.
Langford admits he was wrong. MAGA (Make American Great Again) is the antithesis of the growing Non Patriot wing of the Democratic Socialist Party. Kamala is a firm member as a Non Patriot. The "Browning of America" is a Democratic Socialist term that is trying to find its way into their bureaucratic lexicon. I heard it recently at a commissioners' conference. |
Stan - You might want to adjust the rabbit ears on your "channels". A year ago Democrats and Republicans were ready to sign boarder legislation authored by a right winger, but third party MAGA killed the deal in favor of a campaign issue. So save the hyperbolic pearl clutching.
I am curious about the comment - browning of America. Thats a new one for me. What ever do you mean? |