US taxpayers shelled out $150 Billion for illegal aliens last year - report | Eastern North Carolina Now

Biden-Harris open borders are stiffing US taxpayers


The Biden-Harris open borders are extremely expensive for taxpayers.  A new report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has documented that American taxpayers shelled out $150 Billion last year to subsidize illegal alien migrants.  Most of this tax burder was borne by states and local governments, not the federal government.

In comparision, to complete President Trump's border wall would only cost $5 Billion.

North Carolina had the 8th largest hit to our taxpayers at $3.1 Billion last year.

President Trump is callling for mass deportation of illegal aliens, and mulitple polls show a strong majority of Americans supports that policy.  Kamala Harris supports amensty and a path to citizenship for these parasites.

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( August 30th, 2024 @ 5:17 pm )
There is absolutely no excuse for taxpayers to have to foot the bill for those who illegally invade our country, giving them luxury hotel rooms in many cases. These leeches need to be sent home, pronto! And Kamala Harris just wants to bring more of them, including the criminals.
( August 30th, 2024 @ 3:48 pm )
What Biden and Harris have done on the border amounts to high treason. They are refusing to ehforce the immigration laws passed by Congress and are facilitaring an invasion of our country. The most outrageous is their "parole pipeline" where they actually fly illegal aliens who have not even applied for proper immigration from South America to the US. They briefly shut that program down when an Inspector General found rampant fraud in it, but have now reopened it without doing anything to stop the fraud.

The Mexican criminal cartels are getting rich off of the Biden-Harris open border, making a lot more money off of human smuggling than they do from drugs. I wonder how much of that money is being laundered to the Democrats through ActBlue to keep their gravy train rolling.

The difference bettwen legal immigrants and illegal aliens is that legal immigrants are fully vetted to be sure they do not become moochers on American taxpayers.

Traitor Kamala Harris needs to be defeated.

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