Kamala Harris bombs in chaperoned first interview 5 weeks into campaign | Eastern North Carolina Now

softball nterview from friendly media


Over five weeks into her campaign, Kamala Harris finally did a sit down media interview before a friendly media source.  She was not able to handle it alone and took Tim Walz along as a chaperone.  Even with a free taped format, she managed to dish out one or two of her infamous word salads.  She was evasive and ducked questions.  Even some Democrat sources panned her performance.  After the interview her odds on the betting markets  went down.








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( September 4th, 2024 @ 11:45 am )
When an aspiting politician prostitutes themselves sexually to someone who is much older and married for the purpose of getting themselves ahead politically, that reflects badly on their character. That is true for a male functioning as a gigolo, too. Kamala Harris is the only politicican on the national level that has done this.
Big Bob said:
( September 4th, 2024 @ 9:55 am )
Your daughter's can hear you and are tired of the double standard. If you can support a male candidate with multiple children with 3 wives while banging porn stars - then I think KH deserves the same wink and a nod.
Van Zant said:
( September 4th, 2024 @ 9:25 am )
Interesting that the far left pro Repub (RINO) troll brings up 'consenting' sex. I suppose calculating sex like 29 year old CommieLaLa Harris and 60 year old married Mayor Brown bartering the concubine relationship in exchange for a California political career is an example of consenting sex.

But using Bill Clinton as an example of consenting sex turned my giggle box over hehehehe. I suppose that's one sex category for Billy Goat Bill: Such as consenting regular adultery sex with G. Flowers or consenting exploitive sex like 22 year old student M. Lewinsky interning at the White House.

But with Billy the Goat there is a whole other category of bloody lip violent sex with a string of victims such as: J. Broaddrick, L. Millwee, P. Jones, K. Willey, C. Zercher, E. Wellstone, S. James, K. Hinton, and numerous University of Arkansas students.

Yeah buddy. Great example.
Big Bob said:
( September 3rd, 2024 @ 6:01 pm )
Because sex between consenting adults isnt really news. BC and DT were both presidents with a Whole Lota Loving in their history.
You can’t turn around and call a woman a whore for doing the exact same thing the men do.
( September 3rd, 2024 @ 2:37 pm )
Why is it that the Willie Brown Plan is never discussed by the Democratic Socialist media ... the same media that would be all over this in auspicious beginning political point for any presidential candidate if, of course, that candidate was a Republican?

I saw the interview. She was pathetic, and JD Vance will intellectually destroy the goof ball sitting beside her.

In 63 days we will see just how many smart people we have in America, and just how many are pretty dumb, or just DO NOT care.
Van Zant said:
( September 3rd, 2024 @ 1:30 pm )
Washingtonian - Oh, you mean the Willie Brown plan!
( September 3rd, 2024 @ 12:13 pm )
How does Kamala plan to handle a strongman like Putin?

Will she lay her delicate hand upon her breast, demurely tip her head to one side, smile submissively... sending th message: I'm just a little guy, please dont hurt me... all the while, planning to take him to the bed & F him to death?

If that is her plan... then I must cheer her on. LOL
... or, is that what he plans to do to her.
( September 1st, 2024 @ 9:35 am )
Among the liberals who really took apart Kamala Harris on her performance in her first media interview since being installed as the nominee was Bill Maher who made a laughingstock of her on his show. Of course, much of the corporate media is in the tank for Kamala and will try to promote her and downgrade Trump any time they can, regardless of the facts. We have a crooked and disgusting media in our country.
Bubba said:
( August 31st, 2024 @ 5:20 pm )
Kamala Harris flip flops on everything. Nobody should believe a word she says. And bringing Walz along as a minder? That shows total lack of confidence.
Bubba said:
( August 31st, 2024 @ 6:11 pm )
Kamala Harris flip flops on everything. Nobody should believe a word she says. And bringing Walz along as a minder? That shows total lack of confidence.
Big Bob said:
( August 31st, 2024 @ 9:42 am )
Back on planet earth, by all accounts, she did fairly well.

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