Bidenomics causes cost of Labor Day cookout to soar - thanks a lot, Kamala | Eastern North Carolina Now

sticking it to the American people


The economic policies of the Biden-Harris regime, often called Bidenomics, have caused a big upswing in inflation.  Among the many places that is being felt is among Americans holding a traditional Labor Day cookout.  Whatever one is cooking, the price has soared since Biden and Harris took office - hotdogs up 25%, ground beef 26%, and chicken up 27%.  Costs of all other elements of the cookout are also up substantially whether charcoal or propane for the grill, drinks, or side dishes.

This is bringing misery, NOT "joy" to America.

To restore a solid economy, we need President Trump back in office.  As president, he presided over a stable and thriving economu without Bidenflation.

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