23-year old American hostage murdered by Hamas | Eastern North Carolina Now

what are Biden and Harris going to do about it other than flap their gums


A 23-year old American hostage in Gaza held by the terrorist group Hamas has been murdered in cold blood, along with five young Israeli hostages.  Hersh Goldberg-Polin was shot in the head, execution style, within the last 48 hours along with the five other hostages.   Their bodies were recovered by Israeli Defense Forces.

This apparently happened shortly after Israel rescued an Arab MusliM Israeli citizen who was being held hostage by Hamas, and many think these hostages were murdered to prevent their rescue.  It also happened in Rafah where Kamala Harris declared Isreal must not go.  Clearly, that is where hostages were being held and Harris did not care if they were rescued or not.

There have to be consequneces when terrorists murder Americans.  The useless Biden-Harris regime has NEVER at any point demanded the return of the American citizens being held hostage by Hamas, even though Biden-Harris were building a pier to send supplies to Gaza.  If Hamas supporters get in the way of retaliation, that should not be a concern.

Biden and Harris are weak as water and Biden-Walz would be even worse.  American needs President Trump back.



Even worse when Tim Walz was asked by a reporter about the murder of the six hostages when he was campaigning  at the Minnesota State Fair, he just said "Thank you" and walked away.


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Big Bob said:
( September 4th, 2024 @ 5:45 pm )
I thought we cared about Bulgaria? Like two days ago it was Bulgaria of all places.
You sure bring them up a lot.
( September 4th, 2024 @ 5:02 pm )
Another deflection, Little Bobbie? We are interested in what is going on HERE, or rather what is NOT going on by the pathetically weak Biden-Harris regime. We have had seven AMERICAN citizens held hostage by a terrorist group that is also the quasi-governmental body of Gaza. Biden-Harris have NEVER demanded the return of those Americans and have ignored them, even when one of them is murdered in cold blood. We do not need whussies like that running our country. Of course, we first saw that with their Afghanistan debacle. Biden and Harris are a disgrace to America.
Big Bob said:
( September 4th, 2024 @ 1:27 pm )
Turn on the TV. See what’s going on over there. Sorry it doesn’t fit your narrative but reality rarely does.

Netanyahu knows there will be an election as soon as there is a ceasefire. The out come of which is not looking good. For him.
( September 4th, 2024 @ 12:20 pm )
You have clearly pointed out in previous posts that you parrot the spiel of the Hamas apologists.
Big Bob said:
( September 4th, 2024 @ 9:56 am )
I just pointed out whats going on in Israel. Take it up with them.
( September 3rd, 2024 @ 10:46 pm )
Who started the war, Bigot Bob? Your buddies at Hamas, thats who. Hamas are sick terrorists and need to be wiped from the earth, and it really does not matter what the collateral damage among their supporters is.

As usual, you care nothing about the American hostage murdered in cold blood, or the fact that the patheric Biden-Harris regime did nothing to demand release of the seven American hostages held by Hamas.
Big Bob said:
( September 3rd, 2024 @ 6:03 pm )
Even the Israeli people are tired of Netanyahu’s endless war and failed policy.
( September 3rd, 2024 @ 8:43 am )
I see where Senator Ted Budd has called for retribution against the Hamas terrorist organization for the murder of this American hostage, but worthless Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing nothing at all. Why not put a substantial bounty on the heads of all of Hamas' top leadership, dead or alive and send American drones out to hunt them? These hostages would not have been murdered if it was not approved from the top.

The UN has failed to condemn the murders of hostages by the Hamas terrorists. The UN is beyond worthless. We need the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.
( September 1st, 2024 @ 5:30 pm )
Considering that Hamas is also the government of Gaza this is a barbarous act by the de facto Gaza government. While we can't send some B-52's to carpetbomb the place, even it they deserve it, there are other steps that ought to be taken. The first would be a demand that all the other American hostages be handed over by a set date in the very near future, stating that there will be severe consequences if that does not happen. Secondly, I would put a bounty on th heads of all Hamas leaders. Third, I would immediately end any and all aid of any sort to Gaza. If the remaining hostages are not released, I would start using US military assets to find and rescue them. I would also cancel all visas for anyone from Gaza, and if they are already in the US, round them up and send them home. Yes, there have to be serious consequences when the entity that is the only thing exercising governmental functions in a place murders an American citizen in cold blood. That must never be tolerated.

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