Fmr Democrat Congressman Deutsch endorses Trump over nat'l security | Eastern North Carolina Now

blasts Biden-Harris handling of foreign policy and national security


Former Democrat congressman Peter Deutsch of Florida has endorsed President Donald Trump in the 2024 election.  Congressman Deutsch cited the poor job of the Biden-Harris regime on foreign policy and national security for his endorsement of Trump..

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( October 8th, 2024 @ 4:04 pm )
The Afghanistan debacle set the stage for the lousy Biden-Harris foreign and security policy, among other things encourageling Putin to invade Ukraine. We left billions of dollars of military equipment over there as well as hundreds of US citizens. Now since that debacle, Biden-Harris have given the Taliban over a billion dollars. Considering that they have only spend $4 million on Hurricane Heleme relief, that is outrageous. Harris just announced we are giving $157 million to Lebanon, a government that has no control of a terrorist group operatinb on their territory that launches missilies against Israel. The American victims of Helene are not launching missiles at anybody. They should be getting help before Lebannon. Biden_Harris are an America Last regime.

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