Sloppy election board practices raise questions on NC Supreme Court election | Eastern North Carolina Now

Most problems created by state board, but some local boards also problematic


The election  for a NC Supreme Court seat between radical lefitst Democrat appointee Allison Riggs and conservative Court of Appeals Judge Jefferson Griffin is still not resolved as vote recounts continue, and large numbers of election challenges have been filed.  On election night, Griffin led by nearly 10,000 votes, but the latest count had Riggs ahead by 637.

Challenges hve been filed by Judge Griffin's campaign, the North Carolina Republican Party, and several individuals.  The 131 challenges from Griffin cover over 60,000 votes.  The state and county boards of election will work through hearing those challenges over the next several weeks, and then there are likely to be challenges in court.  One court case has already been filed by the NC Republican Party.

In some cases, Democrat controlled county election boards have brazenly disregarded the law to count ballots of dead people.  State law clearly provides that if a voter either votes by mail or early voting and then dies before election day, their ballot has to be retrieved and their votes removed from the count.  In Beaufort County, one voter died before election day, and the county elections board followed the law and removed their votes.  A number of counties including Wake refused to do that, and a Democrat member of the Wake board openly claimed they were not bound by that state law.  In those counties, those illegal votes were counted and they are among those challenged.

State election law also provides that felons who have not completed their sentence including probation cannot vote.  Five did so anyway in Beaufort County during early voting, and all five had their votes retrieved and cancelled.  Other counties have disregarded the law and counted these votes anyway, and those are among the challenges.

Overseas persons who had no connection with counties where they registered by mail are also among the challenges.  A few of those have already been dealt with by local boards.  For example, in Lee County, four people in four different countries all registered by mail with the same residential address, but apparently never had any connection with that address or even to Lee County, and may not have even been US citizens.  Those voters were disqualified and their absentee ballots removed and deducted from the count.  All had voted Democrat.  The District Attorney for Lee County has also indicated he will have them indicted for election fraud so they can be tried if they ever show up in the US.  This would have probably slipped through except for the eagle-eyed Lee County GOP chairman discovering it and filing a challenge prior to election day.

Many of these overseas voters who registered by mail have failed to  comply with NC law of providing a photo ID.  Many also have no apparent connection to the place where they registered.  This follows a Democrat National Committee effort to register Americans abroad and funnel them into swing states.  These votes are also among the Griffin challenges.

One of the huge messes, which has repeatedly been brought to the attenton of the State Board of Elections, but they have refused to do anything about it is the more than 400,000 NC voters whose registrations fail to comply with the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA).  That law requires voter registrations to include either the drivers license number or the last four numbers of the social security number, both of which can be used to verify the voter's identity at the time they register.  While thousands of these non-compliant registrations date back from before HAVA was enacted, and the sloppy state BOE has simply failed to update them, although most other states have, but they have continued to accept new registrations without this legally required information.  As late as early voting 2024, people were still being allowed to register in North Carolina without this data in many counties.

The Griffin campaign has suggested a "curing" process for those votes.  Voters in that category would receive a letter telling them they needed to provide that legally required information by a set date.  Those who did so would have their votes counted.  Those who fail to do so would have their votes cancelled, but that can only be done for those who voted by early voting or mail in.  There is no possible way to retrieve election day ballots.

Election integrity campaigners have brought formal HAVA complaints before the NC state Board of Elections in the past over this very issue of failing to obtain this required data, but the board blew them off and refused to do anything about it.  They did not even change their forms as to new voters to start complying with the law.

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Big Bob said:
( November 30th, 2024 @ 6:16 am )
The great mystery. One side so corrupt and the other so beautifully perfect in every way. It just makes so much sense.
Big Bob said:
( November 30th, 2024 @ 6:16 am )
The great mystery. One side so corrupt and the other so beautifully perfect in every way. It just makes so much sense.
( November 29th, 2024 @ 6:05 pm )
Well, Little Bobbie, if you would read the background in the Minnesota case, election officials admitted discarding the ballots "by mistake", 20 in one precinct and 1 in another, from early voting. This seat will decide which party controls the Minnesota House. The ballots had already gone to the landfill and could not be recovered. The only fair way to settle this is with a new election.

When Democrats lose an election, what tends to happen is that more ballots, mostly going a certain direction appear as if by magic from places like the trunks of Democrat officials cars. I remember a US Senate seat in either Minnesota or Wisconsin shifting parties that way some years ago. Or then there was LBJ's first senate primary where a pro-LBJ precinct was held out until everything else had been tallied, and then magically put LBJ over the top, with the poll books magically showing that the last 300 or so voters had all "voted" in exact alphabetical order.
Big Bob said:
( November 29th, 2024 @ 4:58 pm )
Why is that when ever MAGA loses, ballots were thrown out but never when they win? Hmm, I guess we will just never know. Such a mystery.
( November 29th, 2024 @ 11:52 am )
RINO Sen. Phil Berger is himself part of the problem with our screwed up election system in North Carolina. It is absurd for him to complain. The House passed election reform bills that would have cleared up a lot of this mess, but it was RINO Berger as senate leader who refused to bring them up for a vote in the senate. Shame on Phil Berger.

On the Minnesora seat, from what I read, that seat will determine which party has a majority in the state house of representatives, and the ballots that were thrown away have already gone into the landfill and are not recoverable. That should call for a new election.
( November 27th, 2024 @ 7:07 pm )
Those numbers should work well to stop this election, unless, the Democratic Socialists have the paper ballots still on hand to exhibit a legitimate reason why they were thrown out to begin with; otherwise: New Election under the color of the opportunity that the Democratic Socialists cheated ... again.
( November 27th, 2024 @ 7:02 pm )
In a Minnesota legislative race that was decided by only 14 votes in favor of a Democrat, it has been discovered that Democrat election offficials threw away 21 ballots from early voting. That election should not stand.
( November 27th, 2024 @ 4:56 pm )
These Democrat election officials are sloppy on purpose because it makes it easier for their party to cheat.
( November 27th, 2024 @ 4:02 pm )
The failure to insist on those identifying numbers that are required by federal law on voter registrations makes the system very vulnerable to fraud. That is because those numbers make it easy to identify people who register more than one, out of state registrants, fictious registrants, fake overseas registrants, and others.

I saw a list of over twenty people who a week ago had been identified as voting twice, but without those id numbers there were probably a lot more than that. In Beaufort County, one person was caught trying to vote on election day after already voting during early registration and another cast two mail-in ballots. Neither of those even appeared on that statewide list of people who voted more than once so it is probably just scratching the surface.

We have a very good elections office here in Beaufort County, but the operation at the state level leaves a lot to be desired, and so do many counties.

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