Wall Street Journal - Pennsylvania narrowly avoided 2024 stolen election | Eastern North Carolina Now

US Senate seat targeted by Democrats


The Wall Street Journal has published an article detailing how the Democrats went about using their control of election machinery to try to steal the US Senate seat won in Pennsylvania by Senator-elect Dave McCormick.  It turned out that they were frustrated by the fact that his margin was "too big to rig".  The writer suggested that if it had been a smaller margin, the Democrats would still be trying to manufacture votes.

The Democrats set about trying to count large number of ballots that clearly violated Pennsylvania election laws.  One Democrat official even publicly stated that they were above the law.  The top national Democrat election shyster Marc Elias was dispatched to the state to assist in trying to undo McCormick's election.

It was all for naught.  Even the Democrat controlled Pennsylvania Supreme Court would not go along with flagant disregard of its own previous rulings by Democrat election officials.  They acted on a Republican filed lawsuit to shut down the shananigans the Democrats were trying to pull on McCormick.

The details can be read here:  https://www.wsj.com/opinion/pennsylvania-almost-saw-a-stolen-election-mccormick-democrats-scheming-senate-race-41761dcb?st=3Hiegp

Meanwhile, in California, the evidence mounts on Democrat shananigans that may have stolen as many as three Congressional seats in usually conservative Orange County, where Governor Newsome sent in Democratic operatives to oversee the election count.

As the count was starting on genetral election ballots, the Orange County elections board received a bomb threat and the building was evacuated.  Oddly, the livestream camera that kept watch over the ballot room was turned off for several hours until the all clear was given to reenter the building.  When election results were announced there were some very odd results, and an unusually high turnout number.

Then there was the fact that the Orange County board of elections in the all mail-in election is recorded as having mailed out 325,111 MORE ballots than there are registered voters in the county.  All in all, this is a situation that needs a very thorough investigation, and probably a new election.


And, of course, there is the NC Supreme Court race where a radical Democrat was shown about 700 votes ahead with challenges on over 60,000 ballots.  That one, too is ripe for a new election.

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( December 10th, 2024 @ 8:46 am )
Maybe you can't read, Little Bobbie, but this was WOKE Democrat crybabies trying unsuccessfully to steal a senate seat they lost in Pennsylvania.
Big Bob said:
( December 10th, 2024 @ 6:28 am )
Only when they lose. Never when they win.

MAGA crybabies
( December 9th, 2024 @ 7:52 pm )
One of the Democrat members of the NC Board of Elections is the spouse of the campaign attorney for the Democrat candidate in that contested Supreme Court race. This is an obvious conflict of interest, and is being challenged by Republicans, but I have not heard of this member resigning or recusing herself.

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