LA fire chief blasts LA Mayor Bass for failing the citizens of city on fire prep. UPDATE | Eastern North Carolina Now

while empty resevoir for Pacific Pallisades in fire season also draw criticism


UPDATE:  Two months ago, Los Angeles Fire Chief Kirstin Crowley sent a memo to the Mayor Karen Bass administration saying that they needed more resources and only had half the firefighters she needed to fight a serious wildfire.  She said staffing and other resources had not increased since the 1960s even though population had risen substantially since then.  That memo has apparently been scrubbed.  Not only did the LAFD did not get any more resources, but Bass proposed an additional $49 million cut in their budget on top of the $17.6 million she cut last year.



Los Angeles Fire Chief Kirstin Crowley, appearing on a local television station, blasted liberal Democrat Mayor Karen Bass for failing the citizens of the city in poor preparation to defend against wildfires.  Crowley took aim particularly at Bass' move to cut millions from the fire departnment's budget, which left the department not fully prepared.  Crowley had previously warned of the danger of just the problem that has occured at the time of the cuts but was overruled by Bass.  Bass originally asked for a $23 million cut in the fire department budget but settled for $17.6 million in fire department cuts.

The opposition to Mayor Bass for her poor leadership on wildfires crosses ideological lines.  A petition from leftist group Change,org has already gathered over 73,000 signatures of upset Los Angeles residents calling for Bass' resignation.

There is also a blame game going on about who was responsible for the main resevoir feeding the fire hydrants in Pacific Pallisades being closed and empty at the time the fire broke out.  The Santa Ynez Resevoir would normally hold 177 million gallons of water to serve the area, which would have been critical in the early stages of the fire when it might have been contained.  Fire season would be the worst possible time to have it off-line.

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( January 15th, 2025 @ 8:26 am )
Now, the owner of the Los Angeles Times has admitted that his newspaper made a big mistake in endorsing Karen Bass.
( January 12th, 2025 @ 4:51 pm )
Now, a new memo has been leaked that in addition to the $17.6 million that Mayor Bass cut from the LA fire department budget, just days before the fire broke out, she had demanded another $49 million in budget cuts from the fire department. Meanwhile, she was giving huge raises to high level city bureaucrats

It has also come out that total reductions by Governor Newsom to the state fire prevention budget amounted to $150 million.
( January 11th, 2025 @ 8:13 pm )
The number of signatures achieved in one day on that petition demanding LA Mayor Bass resign is astounding, but it is unlikely she would ever resign. What someone on the right needs to do is circulate a petition for recall. That would have some teeth to get rid of her. The same should be done for Newsom.

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DId you vote for any of these politicians that so easily wasted $500,000.00 of the public's money in this incredibly nonchalant manner?


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