More Democrat political incompetence that led to LA wildfire disaster | Eastern North Carolina Now

Acting Mayor failed to declare local emergency for over six critical hours


Democrat political incompetence leading to the Los Angeles wildfire disaster just keeps coming.

The time when a wildfire can be headed off to prevent it getting out of hand and out of control is in the early stages.  Using all resources in that period is critical. Some of the most effective resources are military firefighting assets like high capacity military firefighting aircraft.  To deploy those resources, however, it is necessary to have a local state of emergency declared by local government, and Los Angeles failed to do that for over six critical hours.

Normally, the mayor is the one with the authority to declare a local emergency, but Mayor Karen Bass was on a political junket to Africa, paid for by taxpayers.  She left on that junket even though she knew weather reports called for critical fire danger due to the Santa Ana winds.  As the liberal New York Times has reported, Bass also pledged during her mayor campaign NOT to travel abroad.

With the mayor out of town off on a political junket, the authority to declare a local emergency fell to the Democrat president of the city council as Acting Mayor.  Acting Mayor Marqueece Harris-Dawson sat on his hands for over six critical hours without declaring a local emergency, thus preventing federal military resources from being deployed against the fire in its key early stages.  Harris-Dawson fiddled while Los Angeles burned.

Why was Harris-Dawson so irresponsible?  Apparently he is afraid to do anything without Bass' approval and could not reach Bass off on her junket to Africa.  So he waited and waited while the wildfires kept expanding.

The level of Democrat incompetence in this whole fiasco is enormous from the local to the state level but they have the gall to blame it on their usual boogey man "climate change" ???  California Democrats have clearly demonstrated that they are not fit or able to govern.

It is interesting that one actor who lost his house has already announced he is going to sue these hapless politicians for negligence.  He might not be the only one to do so.  They seem to deserve it.

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( January 14th, 2025 @ 8:31 am )
Well, NO, it is climate alarmism that has already increased our insurance rates by use of their scam computer models for setting rates instead of actual facts. For years, property insurance rates were based on solid fact, the record of past losses. Some years ago, the insurance companies conned North Carolina to let them use computer models instead. Computer models are digital alchemy where whoever sets them up can get whatever result they want by the way they design their model. This is a very crooked system that vastly overcharges eastern North Carolina. Since this scam was launched, losses have continued to follow the historical pattern, but the insurance cokmpanies are still allowed to overcharge us based on that fake computer model scheme. Climate alarmism is their excuse for using the crooked computer models.
Big Bob said:
( January 13th, 2025 @ 10:02 pm )
Climate change will increase all our insurance rates.
( January 13th, 2025 @ 8:22 pm )
All of this Democrat bungling on the Los Angeles wildfires is going to hit all of us.

Take insurance. All insurance companies buy "reinsurance" to back them up on major losses from companies like Swiss Re. These reinsurance companies are going to get soaked in Los Angeles, and will raise their rates to the insurance companies we buy from in North Carolina. That will raise our premiums. The companies with heavy direct exposure to Los Angeles will also probably try to increase their rates in other states to cover their Los Angeles losses.

THen consider all of the mortgages on houses that have gone up in smoke. THey are not likely to be paid and the collateral is now greatly reduced, being now only the land. Some already shaky financial insitutions with a lot of Los Angeles mortgage expsoure may go under from this and that may set up a chain reaction with other financial institutions.

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