Results found for stagnate | Eastern North Carolina Now

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37 Results found for stagnate

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The US Supreme Court's affirmative action decision made an exception for military service academies, due to the military’s “potentially distinct interests that military academies may present."
The US Supreme Court's affirmative action decision made an exception for military service academies, due to the military’s “potentially distinct interests that military academies may present."
Good news for students may be bad news for private colleges and universities.
Much is written about polarization in American life today. Examples of things that separate us – like the urban/rural divide and the college educated/ high school education divide.
Much is written about polarization in American life today. Examples of things that separate us – like the urban/rural divide and the college educated/ high school education divide.
Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President and CEO Raphael Bostic said Sunday that the country needs economic pain now to avoid even more pain later.
Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President and CEO Raphael Bostic said Sunday that the country needs economic pain now to avoid even more pain later.
The American economy is expected to grow at a paltry 0.3% annualized rate in the third quarter of 2022, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
The American economy is expected to grow at a paltry 0.3% annualized rate in the third quarter of 2022, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
After the Bank of England announced that it expects the economy of Britain to shrink in the third quarter of 2022, news outlets reported that the country is in a recession — although several American media outlets refused to do the same upon similar news in the United States.
After the Bank of England announced that it expects the economy of Britain to shrink in the third quarter of 2022, news outlets reported that the country is in a recession — although several American media outlets refused to do the same upon similar news in the United States.
no mail in ballots, all paper ballots, hand counting, no drop boxes means honest count
no mail in ballots, all paper ballots, hand counting, no drop boxes means honest count
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts within the higher education policy space were projecting that four-year colleges could face a loss of up to 20 percent in fall enrollment.
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts within the higher education policy space were projecting that four-year colleges could face a loss of up to 20 percent in fall enrollment.
Over the last 30 years, federal courts have consistently ruled that restrictive speech codes and minuscule free speech zones on college campuses violate the First Amendment.
Over the last 30 years, federal courts have consistently ruled that restrictive speech codes and minuscule free speech zones on college campuses violate the First Amendment.
In 1996, California voters approved Proposition 209 by an impressive 56-to-44 percent majority.
In 1996, California voters approved Proposition 209 by an impressive 56-to-44 percent majority.
Senate Republicans unveiled a comprehensive police reform bill Wednesday morning, beating House Democrats to the punch on an issue at the forefront of most Americans’ minds.
Senate Republicans unveiled a comprehensive police reform bill Wednesday morning, beating House Democrats to the punch on an issue at the forefront of most Americans’ minds.
In scientific research, new ideas have become harder to find. Innovation has fallen compared to 50 years ago.
In scientific research, new ideas have become harder to find. Innovation has fallen compared to 50 years ago.
Twenty-five years ago, Robert Leandro and his mother, Kathleen Leandro, lent their name to one of the most significant education lawsuits in North Carolina history.
Twenty-five years ago, Robert Leandro and his mother, Kathleen Leandro, lent their name to one of the most significant education lawsuits in North Carolina history.
Newly released school performance grades show reading scores have remained stagnant despite millions spent on reading interventions.
Newly released school performance grades show reading scores have remained stagnant despite millions spent on reading interventions.
On Wednesday evening, Tucker Carlson delivered a 15-minute monologue on his Fox News program regarding the future of economics and politics in the United States.
On Wednesday evening, Tucker Carlson delivered a 15-minute monologue on his Fox News program regarding the future of economics and politics in the United States.
Cicero was a famous lawyer, philosopher, and most importantly and significantly, a Roman senator during Pompey Magnus' and then Julius Caesar's rule.
Cicero was a famous lawyer, philosopher, and most importantly and significantly, a Roman senator during Pompey Magnus' and then Julius Caesar's rule.
No cliché is more ubiquitous at teacher protests than signs that read, "if you can read this sign, thank a teacher." That is, unless you disregard variations on the theme of "pay us more."
No cliché is more ubiquitous at teacher protests than signs that read, "if you can read this sign, thank a teacher." That is, unless you disregard variations on the theme of "pay us more."
"Lower taxes on American business means higher wages for American workers, and it means more products made right here in the USA."
"Lower taxes on American business means higher wages for American workers, and it means more products made right here in the USA."
The term "McDonaldization" was coined by sociology professor George Ritzer in 1993
The term "McDonaldization" was coined by sociology professor George Ritzer in 1993
Recently enacted North Carolina renewable energy regulations to control costs and help green energy flourish will be a model other states embrace. Or don't
Recently enacted North Carolina renewable energy regulations to control costs and help green energy flourish will be a model other states embrace. Or don't
House Bill 589, the misnamed Competitive Energy Solutions for NC, is making its way through the North Carolina Senate
House Bill 589, the misnamed Competitive Energy Solutions for NC, is making its way through the North Carolina Senate
In a typical week, I get four or five inquiries from media relating to some higher education issue
In a typical week, I get four or five inquiries from media relating to some higher education issue
Lefties like to paint those of us on the right,who resist the dark side, as bigots. But they should take a good hard look at themselves.
Lefties like to paint those of us on the right,who resist the dark side, as bigots. But they should take a good hard look at themselves.
Casting himself as an outsider who came to Raleigh to right a listing ship of state, Gov. Pat McCrory formally announced his re-election bid Wednesday with a heavy emphasis on job creation and income growth that are part of what he calls the Carolina Comeback
Casting himself as an outsider who came to Raleigh to right a listing ship of state, Gov. Pat McCrory formally announced his re-election bid Wednesday with a heavy emphasis on job creation and income growth that are part of what he calls the Carolina Comeback
Remember the old tale about a drunken man crawling around under a lamppost? Dating at least as far back as 1924, the joke starts off with a police officer approaching the drunk to ask what he's looking for. In earlier versions of the joke, it's a dollar bill. In later versions, it's a set of car...
Remember the old tale about a drunken man crawling around under a lamppost? Dating at least as far back as 1924, the joke starts off with a police officer approaching the drunk to ask what he's looking for. In earlier versions of the joke, it's a dollar bill. In later versions, it's a set of car...
At last week's First Amendment Day celebration at UNC-Chapel Hill, Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), presented some alarming findings
At last week's First Amendment Day celebration at UNC-Chapel Hill, Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), presented some alarming findings
Early career teachers will get pay raises starting in the fiscal year beginning July 1, and teachers with up to seven years of service will collect double-digit percentage increases, Gov. Pat McCrory announced Monday. The package is expected to cost less than $200 million and will not require a...
Early career teachers will get pay raises starting in the fiscal year beginning July 1, and teachers with up to seven years of service will collect double-digit percentage increases, Gov. Pat McCrory announced Monday. The package is expected to cost less than $200 million and will not require a...
Day care prices across the nation have been rising at a dramatic clip for years. In many cases, the cost to parents for a toddler in day care is more expensive than sending their teen to a high-quality private high school.
Day care prices across the nation have been rising at a dramatic clip for years. In many cases, the cost to parents for a toddler in day care is more expensive than sending their teen to a high-quality private high school.
The richest man in North Carolina was in DC to demand even more taxpayer-funded preschool.
The richest man in North Carolina was in DC to demand even more taxpayer-funded preschool.
An editorial the Fayetteville Observer published in late June declared that North Carolina is facing a teacher shortage because "teacher pay stinks." This assessment of the teacher labor supply had been prompted by remarks by Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson, who speculated that...
An editorial the Fayetteville Observer published in late June declared that North Carolina is facing a teacher shortage because "teacher pay stinks." This assessment of the teacher labor supply had been prompted by remarks by Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson, who speculated that...
The core problem with President Barack Obama's speech on climate change is that it rejects environmental science in favor of the utopian idea that we can, acting collectively, control the weather.
The core problem with President Barack Obama's speech on climate change is that it rejects environmental science in favor of the utopian idea that we can, acting collectively, control the weather.
Created from parts of Anson County in 1762, Mecklenburg County includes the largest city in North Carolina.
Created from parts of Anson County in 1762, Mecklenburg County includes the largest city in North Carolina.
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