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Pichai said the company is not to be used as a "personal platform" or to "debate politics"
Pichai said the company is not to be used as a "personal platform" or to "debate politics"
Alabama GOP Governor Kay Ivey will send 275 National Guard troops to the southern border.
Alabama GOP Governor Kay Ivey will send 275 National Guard troops to the southern border.
The sexual attacks are often perpetrated by the human smugglers.
With Target boycotts sweeping the nation, the company has been forced to send pallets of unsold Pride merchandise to impoverished tribes in Africa. International aid workers are frustrated, however, as none of the poor children will accept the free clothing.
With Target boycotts sweeping the nation, the company has been forced to send pallets of unsold Pride merchandise to impoverished tribes in Africa. International aid workers are frustrated, however, as none of the poor children will accept the free clothing.
City of Washington considers hiring an Athletic Director and increasing wages on high paid workers over hiring EMTs
City of Washington considers hiring an Athletic Director and increasing wages on high paid workers over hiring EMTs
Nearly half a million students in Los Angeles missed school Tuesday after tens of thousands of workers employed with the second-largest district in the nation walked off the job, beginning a three-day strike demanding higher wages to afford Southern California living.
Nearly half a million students in Los Angeles missed school Tuesday after tens of thousands of workers employed with the second-largest district in the nation walked off the job, beginning a three-day strike demanding higher wages to afford Southern California living.
The Biden administration is reportedly debating on how harsh its response should be to the Taliban’s recent acts against women and protesters in Afghanistan.
The Biden administration is reportedly debating on how harsh its response should be to the Taliban’s recent acts against women and protesters in Afghanistan.
An aid worker and Tennessee native was murdered in the streets of Baghdad, Iraq, in front of his family earlier this week.
An aid worker and Tennessee native was murdered in the streets of Baghdad, Iraq, in front of his family earlier this week.
Upon hearing that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is sending another group of migrants to his mansion in Delaware, President Joe Biden authorized a mobilization of 20,000 National Guard troops to defend his home from the invaders.
Upon hearing that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is sending another group of migrants to his mansion in Delaware, President Joe Biden authorized a mobilization of 20,000 National Guard troops to defend his home from the invaders.
Another 50 illegal immigrants were bused from Texas to Vice President Kamala Harris’s doorstep Saturday, as GOP governors continued their tactic of exporting border crossers to so-called “sanctuary” states and cities.
Another 50 illegal immigrants were bused from Texas to Vice President Kamala Harris’s doorstep Saturday, as GOP governors continued their tactic of exporting border crossers to so-called “sanctuary” states and cities.
A U.S. Army colonel turned away four busloads of Americans, orphans, and others with verified paperwork guaranteeing safe passage out of Afghanistan, members of a volunteer evacuation team claimed in a new documentary.
A U.S. Army colonel turned away four busloads of Americans, orphans, and others with verified paperwork guaranteeing safe passage out of Afghanistan, members of a volunteer evacuation team claimed in a new documentary.
center for housing migrant ''children'' will be in Greensboro
A senile old man in Washington who has a deadly nuclear arsenal at his fingertips is calling for dangerous weapons to be taken out of the hands of the mentally unstable.
A senile old man in Washington who has a deadly nuclear arsenal at his fingertips is calling for dangerous weapons to be taken out of the hands of the mentally unstable.
On Thursday, El Shafee Elsheikh, accused of being one of the infamous ISIS “Beatles,” was found guilty for his role in the murder of four American hostages, three people from Great Britain and two Japanese citizens. The jury took less than five hours to reach a verdict after the two-week trial.
On Thursday, El Shafee Elsheikh, accused of being one of the infamous ISIS “Beatles,” was found guilty for his role in the murder of four American hostages, three people from Great Britain and two Japanese citizens. The jury took less than five hours to reach a verdict after the two-week trial.
Lyrics that said if they tried to escape, “If you try you'll die Mr. Bigley style,” referencing Kenneth Bigley, beheaded in 2004 by head of the Al-Qaeda terror network in Iraq.
Lyrics that said if they tried to escape, “If you try you'll die Mr. Bigley style,” referencing Kenneth Bigley, beheaded in 2004 by head of the Al-Qaeda terror network in Iraq.
Doctors, nurses, and other aid workers from North Carolina’s Samaritan’s Purse are lifting off Friday morning from Greensboro headed to Poland to to deploy a field hospital.
Doctors, nurses, and other aid workers from North Carolina’s Samaritan’s Purse are lifting off Friday morning from Greensboro headed to Poland to to deploy a field hospital.
Betsy McCaughey writes for the New York Post about Democrats’ ongoing campaign to eliminate election rules that promote ballot integrity.
Betsy McCaughey writes for the New York Post about Democrats’ ongoing campaign to eliminate election rules that promote ballot integrity.
We owe it not only to those who have put in a lifetime of work, but to the next generation of workers who have only known an America of rising inequality and shrinking opportunity.
We owe it not only to those who have put in a lifetime of work, but to the next generation of workers who have only known an America of rising inequality and shrinking opportunity.
There are now 3.7 million fewer women working than there were in February 2020, in large part because of the pandemic, eroding more than 30 years of progress in women’s labor force participation.
There are now 3.7 million fewer women working than there were in February 2020, in large part because of the pandemic, eroding more than 30 years of progress in women’s labor force participation.
Usually when we see rising wages, the economy is growing.
Allie Sutton Saburn, 89, of Washington, passed away on March 9, 2021.
Allie Sutton Saburn, 89, of Washington, passed away on March 9, 2021.
James Antle of the Washington Examiner documents one noticeable impact of Donald Trump’s White House term.
James Antle of the Washington Examiner documents one noticeable impact of Donald Trump’s White House term.
Funds will help workers forced to go without a paycheck, waives requirements to speed up benefit eligibility
On Sunday, ABC’s “This Week” played a Saturday-taped interview with former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis.
On Sunday, ABC’s “This Week” played a Saturday-taped interview with former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis.
Remarks by President Trump at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum | Indianapolis, IN
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
In last year's campaign for the presidency, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tried to attract votes with promises of free college. In the British elections earlier this year, one reason for the Labour Party's surge was its pledge to do more to help students afford college
In last year's campaign for the presidency, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tried to attract votes with promises of free college. In the British elections earlier this year, one reason for the Labour Party's surge was its pledge to do more to help students afford college
What do the $15 minimum wage, Obamacare, and proposed gun control laws all have in common? Of course, we could say, uncontroversially, that they are all policies supported by progressives and at least in part form the backbone of modern day progressivism's policy agenda
What do the $15 minimum wage, Obamacare, and proposed gun control laws all have in common? Of course, we could say, uncontroversially, that they are all policies supported by progressives and at least in part form the backbone of modern day progressivism's policy agenda
America's first Affirmative Action president, America's first truly bona fide Socialist president, and if Barack Hussein can just hold his course on dealing with the threat of Islamic Terrorists, he could just become America's first Idiot president, which will surely transform this nation.
America's first Affirmative Action president, America's first truly bona fide Socialist president, and if Barack Hussein can just hold his course on dealing with the threat of Islamic Terrorists, he could just become America's first Idiot president, which will surely transform this nation.
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