Results found for constitutional convention of 1787 | Eastern North Carolina Now

22 Results found for constitutional convention of 1787

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The North Carolina Supreme Court has opened Pandora’s box with their 4-3 decision on Voter ID. In Greek mythology Pandora’s curiosity led her to open a container entrusted to her husband, unleashing what we today call “a can of worms.”
The North Carolina Supreme Court has opened Pandora’s box with their 4-3 decision on Voter ID. In Greek mythology Pandora’s curiosity led her to open a container entrusted to her husband, unleashing what we today call “a can of worms.”
Israel and the United States, though two of the most advanced countries in the world, have much to learn from the other’s example, according to Daily Wire co-founder and Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro.
Israel and the United States, though two of the most advanced countries in the world, have much to learn from the other’s example, according to Daily Wire co-founder and Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro.
There are many people who overlook the brilliance of the US Constitution. They argue that it is outdated and unfit to adequately govern such a modern nation as ours in the 21st century.
There are many people who overlook the brilliance of the US Constitution. They argue that it is outdated and unfit to adequately govern such a modern nation as ours in the 21st century.
When The Associated Press and other news organizations asked North Carolina voters for their perspectives on the just-concluded 2020 elections, there was no shortage of disagreement.
When The Associated Press and other news organizations asked North Carolina voters for their perspectives on the just-concluded 2020 elections, there was no shortage of disagreement.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
On June 28, almost exactly a month after the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia convened, the 81-year-old Benjamin Franklin rose to address his fellow members.
On June 28, almost exactly a month after the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia convened, the 81-year-old Benjamin Franklin rose to address his fellow members.
To those who are serious about preventing the federal government from coming after our Second Amendment rights, please read and take note.....
To those who are serious about preventing the federal government from coming after our Second Amendment rights, please read and take note.....
Obama intends to ignore the second amendment. The states must stand up to him and the government and protect the people in their essential right to have and bear arms.
Obama intends to ignore the second amendment. The states must stand up to him and the government and protect the people in their essential right to have and bear arms.
The "Balanced Budget Amendment" movement (Article V Convention) is an insidious plot to impose a new national tax!!
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
Considering that the foundation of government in our country is based on the Constitution, wouldn't it make more sense to teach lawyers how best to preserve its integrity rather than inspire them to help dismantle it?
Considering that the foundation of government in our country is based on the Constitution, wouldn't it make more sense to teach lawyers how best to preserve its integrity rather than inspire them to help dismantle it?
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
Today, Monday June 25, the Supreme Court handed down its ruling on the constitutionality of Arizona's controversial immigration law, S.B. 1070.
Today, Monday June 25, the Supreme Court handed down its ruling on the constitutionality of Arizona's controversial immigration law, S.B. 1070.
The English Bill of Rights was clearly a precursor to our US Bill of Rights.
The English Bill of Rights was clearly a precursor to our US Bill of Rights.
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth.
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth.
Responding to abusive detention of persons without legal authority, public pressure on the English Parliament caused them to adopt this act, which established a critical right that was later written into the Constitution for the United States.
Responding to abusive detention of persons without legal authority, public pressure on the English Parliament caused them to adopt this act, which established a critical right that was later written into the Constitution for the United States.
The Petition of Right of 1628 is a statement of the objectives of the 1628 English legal reform movement that led to the Civil War and deposing of Charles I in 1649.
The Petition of Right of 1628 is a statement of the objectives of the 1628 English legal reform movement that led to the Civil War and deposing of Charles I in 1649.
As might be expected, the text of the Magna Carta of 1215 bears many traces of haste, and is clearly the product of much bargaining and many hands.
As might be expected, the text of the Magna Carta of 1215 bears many traces of haste, and is clearly the product of much bargaining and many hands.
If we look back on our grade school education, we remember being taught the very fundamentals of what went on at the Constitutional Convention.
If we look back on our grade school education, we remember being taught the very fundamentals of what went on at the Constitutional Convention.
Scholars view the Constitution from 2 viewpoints: Some see the Constitution as an unchanging document; and others see the Constitution as a "Living Document."
Scholars view the Constitution from 2 viewpoints: Some see the Constitution as an unchanging document; and others see the Constitution as a "Living Document."
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.


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