Results found for democrat administration | Eastern North Carolina Now

18 Results found for democrat administration

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... but Biden and Roy Cooper keep pushing them - whose side are they on?
... but Biden and Roy Cooper keep pushing them - whose side are they on?
House Republicans have been awarded their very first Emmy award for outstanding performance in acting like runaway government spending makes them sad.
House Republicans have been awarded their very first Emmy award for outstanding performance in acting like runaway government spending makes them sad.
“The Biden administration has consistently sought to undermine Israel’s security and sovereignty over its territory.”
The CIA claims that hundreds of cases of so-called “Havana Syndrome,” a set of neurological conditions long believed to be the result of an attack from a directed-energy weapon, are not the result of any kind of attack from a foreign power.
The CIA claims that hundreds of cases of so-called “Havana Syndrome,” a set of neurological conditions long believed to be the result of an attack from a directed-energy weapon, are not the result of any kind of attack from a foreign power.
Several U.S. officials at the Embassy in Colombia have reportedly been hit with Havana Syndrome, a mysterious neurological illness that officials believe is the result of attack by a foreign adversary using pulsed microwave energy.
Several U.S. officials at the Embassy in Colombia have reportedly been hit with Havana Syndrome, a mysterious neurological illness that officials believe is the result of attack by a foreign adversary using pulsed microwave energy.
American-directed force in Baghdad stopped this week's attack before protesters could breach a security entrance — unlike what went down in Benghazi
American-directed force in Baghdad stopped this week's attack before protesters could breach a security entrance — unlike what went down in Benghazi
This was the first interagency meeting of the National Council for the American Worker. It was incredibly productive.
This week was much of his own making; poor deeds past come to light and finding our nation similarly lacking.
This week was much of his own making; poor deeds past come to light and finding our nation similarly lacking.
Last month, the N.C. Dept. Commerce released the county tier designations for 2018
At the White House, November 24th, Obama meets with France President Francois Hollande, a fellow Socialist to our Hussein, and little was accomplished, other than Obama pledged America's undying friendship and that he is so 'looking forward to jetting off to the 150 nation summit of Climate Change'.
At the White House, November 24th, Obama meets with France President Francois Hollande, a fellow Socialist to our Hussein, and little was accomplished, other than Obama pledged America's undying friendship and that he is so 'looking forward to jetting off to the 150 nation summit of Climate Change'.
They're dancing in the streets in Carrboro. The Great Satan — Art Pope — is stepping away from his state government role. There is a new feeling of hope and optimism around the drum circles these days.
They're dancing in the streets in Carrboro. The Great Satan — Art Pope — is stepping away from his state government role. There is a new feeling of hope and optimism around the drum circles these days.
At this time, the budget is still under discussion at the North Carolina General Assembly. The Senate offered a compromise to the House of $171 million to be earmarked toward their top priorities of Medicaid and teacher assistants.
At this time, the budget is still under discussion at the North Carolina General Assembly. The Senate offered a compromise to the House of $171 million to be earmarked toward their top priorities of Medicaid and teacher assistants.
The 1970s were a hellish decade for this country. Inflation out the wazoo. Skyrocketing gas prices. Oil embargoes. Record unemployment. Communist aggression rampant around the globe.
The 1970s were a hellish decade for this country. Inflation out the wazoo. Skyrocketing gas prices. Oil embargoes. Record unemployment. Communist aggression rampant around the globe.
The liars in the remnants of our state's mainstream media would have you believe state government was working like a charm prior to the January 2013 inauguration of Republican governor Pat McCrory.
The liars in the remnants of our state's mainstream media would have you believe state government was working like a charm prior to the January 2013 inauguration of Republican governor Pat McCrory.
Make no mistake - we are NOT exactly "fans" of the welfare state here. In our opinion, the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) could collapse into a giant sinkhole - never to be seen again - and the world would be a better place.
Make no mistake - we are NOT exactly "fans" of the welfare state here. In our opinion, the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) could collapse into a giant sinkhole - never to be seen again - and the world would be a better place.
Today was a "red letter day" in North Carolina. The N. C. Senate passed S 129, a bill entitled "Limit State Facilities Finance Act." The vote was 47 for and 1 against. It was co-sponsored by Bill Cook, along with 5 other senators.
Today was a "red letter day" in North Carolina. The N. C. Senate passed S 129, a bill entitled "Limit State Facilities Finance Act." The vote was 47 for and 1 against. It was co-sponsored by Bill Cook, along with 5 other senators.
Debra Goldman, Republican candidate for State Auditor, is under attack. It may or may not be deserved, but it is not the main issue.
Debra Goldman, Republican candidate for State Auditor, is under attack. It may or may not be deserved, but it is not the main issue.


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