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20 Results found for gotham

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams was sued by the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) on Thursday for his budget cuts to the city’s Education Department.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams was sued by the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) on Thursday for his budget cuts to the city’s Education Department.
Citizens braced themselves for yet another heavy crime surge this week after the city of San Francisco fined The Batman for putting a bright, obnoxious "Bat Signal" on the roof of a downtown building.
Citizens braced themselves for yet another heavy crime surge this week after the city of San Francisco fined The Batman for putting a bright, obnoxious "Bat Signal" on the roof of a downtown building.
Around 21,000 illegal immigrant children flooded New York City schools for the first day of classes on Thursday, forcing one school to place kids in a different facility because they reached building capacity.
Around 21,000 illegal immigrant children flooded New York City schools for the first day of classes on Thursday, forcing one school to place kids in a different facility because they reached building capacity.
Hundreds of New York City residents gathered in Queens on Wednesday to protest the opening of a shelter that is expected to house around 1,000 illegal immigrant men near an elementary school and senior center.
Hundreds of New York City residents gathered in Queens on Wednesday to protest the opening of a shelter that is expected to house around 1,000 illegal immigrant men near an elementary school and senior center.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sparred with New York City Democratic Mayor Eric Adams over the death of Jordan Neely, a homeless man with an extensive criminal record, at the hands of a former Marine.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sparred with New York City Democratic Mayor Eric Adams over the death of Jordan Neely, a homeless man with an extensive criminal record, at the hands of a former Marine.
Fear gripped the city today as a maniacal villain once again put innocent dozens of citizens' lives at risk as the Joker (who is reportedly pregnant) and his gang of homicidal clowns held the First National Bank of Gotham City hostage until his unusual demands were met.
Fear gripped the city today as a maniacal villain once again put innocent dozens of citizens' lives at risk as the Joker (who is reportedly pregnant) and his gang of homicidal clowns held the First National Bank of Gotham City hostage until his unusual demands were met.
The Dark Knight of Gotham looks like he may finally hang up the cape for good after a poll of Arkham inmates revealed most of them wish for Bruce Wayne to step down as Batman.
The Dark Knight of Gotham looks like he may finally hang up the cape for good after a poll of Arkham inmates revealed most of them wish for Bruce Wayne to step down as Batman.
“Gotham” actor Ben McKenzie made it clear on Tuesday that he was not interested in joining the cryptocurrency revolution, calling the digital currency industry “the largest Ponzi scheme in history.”
“Gotham” actor Ben McKenzie made it clear on Tuesday that he was not interested in joining the cryptocurrency revolution, calling the digital currency industry “the largest Ponzi scheme in history.”
Who are you going to believe, Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) or your own lying eyes?
Batman has finally been forced to hang up his cape and abandon his beloved city as the crime rate continues to soar under Democrat leadership. Following the election of another democrat, Mayor Tori Tightfoot, Batman has decided he just can't keep up with the crime anymore.
Batman has finally been forced to hang up his cape and abandon his beloved city as the crime rate continues to soar under Democrat leadership. Following the election of another democrat, Mayor Tori Tightfoot, Batman has decided he just can't keep up with the crime anymore.
New York City is rolling out the red carpet for school-aged illegal aliens under a new program replete with taxpayer-funded benefits not afforded to American families — including school-related vaccine exemptions for some children.
New York City is rolling out the red carpet for school-aged illegal aliens under a new program replete with taxpayer-funded benefits not afforded to American families — including school-related vaccine exemptions for some children.
Christian Bale, who gave iconic performances as Batman in filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s masterful trilogy about the Caped Crusader, suggested that he might be willing to don the cape one last time— on one condition.
Christian Bale, who gave iconic performances as Batman in filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s masterful trilogy about the Caped Crusader, suggested that he might be willing to don the cape one last time— on one condition.
A new report has found that serious crimes are increasing in New York City, including on the subway system, despite new mayor Eric Adams dismissing concerns.
A new report has found that serious crimes are increasing in New York City, including on the subway system, despite new mayor Eric Adams dismissing concerns.
One native New Yorker and market analyst thinks so.
Editors at the New York Post lament the sad, but predictable, outcome of government failure in New York City.
Editors at the New York Post lament the sad, but predictable, outcome of government failure in New York City.
In North Carolina, people want to "be in the driver's seat." Good transportation policy begins by respecting that choice.
In North Carolina, people want to "be in the driver's seat." Good transportation policy begins by respecting that choice.
The Beaufort County Arts Council will present its first stand-up comedy act at the Turnage Theater on Saturday, June 21 at 8:00pm.
The Beaufort County Arts Council will present its first stand-up comedy act at the Turnage Theater on Saturday, June 21 at 8:00pm.
The Batman series in celluloid has had more than its share of ups and downs, with four of the films; "Batman," "Bateman Returns," "Batman Begins," and "The Dark Knight" reasonably fine entertainment, and worthy of some notoriety amongst aficionados of the "caped crusader."
The Batman series in celluloid has had more than its share of ups and downs, with four of the films; "Batman," "Bateman Returns," "Batman Begins," and "The Dark Knight" reasonably fine entertainment, and worthy of some notoriety amongst aficionados of the "caped crusader."


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