Results found for humanists | Eastern North Carolina Now

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15 Results found for humanists

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Many paths are open to the academically inclined, even if they don’t fit on a business card.
Many paths are open to the academically inclined, even if they don’t fit on a business card.
When I was a tenth grade student, I had the good fortune to have an English teacher named MS. Comer.
When I was a tenth grade student, I had the good fortune to have an English teacher named MS. Comer.
If you haven't noticed, the current Federal government has managed to confine you in an almost escape proof box.

The Box

If you haven't noticed, the current Federal government has managed to confine you in an almost escape proof box.
Have you heard the latest? Uncle Joe is attempting to appropriate billions of dollars to a program designed to mandate that CRT is taught across the nation in OUR public schools.
Have you heard the latest? Uncle Joe is attempting to appropriate billions of dollars to a program designed to mandate that CRT is taught across the nation in OUR public schools.
The spirit, soul and body of this nation is intrinsically linked to its creator. The wisdom and the spirit of this nation was not derived from men, but rather by God who desires for us to live free and safe in a world where all the joys and struggles of life can be successfully navigated by...
The spirit, soul and body of this nation is intrinsically linked to its creator. The wisdom and the spirit of this nation was not derived from men, but rather by God who desires for us to live free and safe in a world where all the joys and struggles of life can be successfully navigated by...
Veritas. Lux et veritas. Veritas vos liberabit. Truth. Light and truth. Truth will set you free.
Veritas. Lux et veritas. Veritas vos liberabit. Truth. Light and truth. Truth will set you free.
On September 29, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) announced that it is investigating what it calls “egregious violations of principles of academic governance and persistent structural racism in the University of North Carolina System.”
On September 29, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) announced that it is investigating what it calls “egregious violations of principles of academic governance and persistent structural racism in the University of North Carolina System.”
As a student in the 1980s, like many bookish young people of my era, I gravitated toward the English department because I had always loved to read.
As a student in the 1980s, like many bookish young people of my era, I gravitated toward the English department because I had always loved to read.
President Donald J. Trump is putting religious freedom on center stage at the United Nations.
My graduate education at the University of Chicago's Committee on Social Thought served me well
Among the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill there are two quite different views of the university's recent athletic/academic scandal.
Among the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill there are two quite different views of the university's recent athletic/academic scandal.
A growing number of the American youth is bridging the gap between American liberalism and Libertarianism as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
A growing number of the American youth is bridging the gap between American liberalism and Libertarianism as if it were the most natural thing in the world.


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