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11 Results found for pause button

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Rock legend Alice Cooper lost a brand partnership with a cosmetics company after he slammed the transgender movement in an interview late this week.
Rock legend Alice Cooper lost a brand partnership with a cosmetics company after he slammed the transgender movement in an interview late this week.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) charged a Democratic witness to cite evidence for her claim that sex change treatments were beneficial for children — which she was unable to do.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) charged a Democratic witness to cite evidence for her claim that sex change treatments were beneficial for children — which she was unable to do.
Italy is the latest European country whose professional health body has warned against the use of puberty blocking drugs in children.
Italy is the latest European country whose professional health body has warned against the use of puberty blocking drugs in children.
The State Board of Education has tapped the brakes on the revision of state social studies standards.
Decisions about N.C. schools, jobs, and businesses made behind fog of unclear information
Governor Cooper and NC DHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen announced that North Carolina will remain in Safer at Home Phase 2 for three more weeks and will implement mandatory face coverings in public.
Governor Cooper and NC DHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen announced that North Carolina will remain in Safer at Home Phase 2 for three more weeks and will implement mandatory face coverings in public.
As trends move in the wrong direction, state will not yet move into Phase 3
Twelve charter schools sought approval to open in 2020, although the State Board of Education failed to approve two of them after local district officials and PTA members raised concerns.
Twelve charter schools sought approval to open in 2020, although the State Board of Education failed to approve two of them after local district officials and PTA members raised concerns.
I wrote a version of this column in the summer of 2013 as a blog. I'd heard John Lennon's Imagine on the radio and was unable to get the tune and the sentiment out of my head.


I wrote a version of this column in the summer of 2013 as a blog. I'd heard John Lennon's Imagine on the radio and was unable to get the tune and the sentiment out of my head.
In the Tar Heel State, government mandates require that 12.5 percent of electricity must come from wind, solar, and other forms of renewable energy by 2021.
In the Tar Heel State, government mandates require that 12.5 percent of electricity must come from wind, solar, and other forms of renewable energy by 2021.
Two families from Mongolia will celebrate their first Thanksgiving this week, grateful their youngest members have each received a second chance for a healthy life.
Two families from Mongolia will celebrate their first Thanksgiving this week, grateful their youngest members have each received a second chance for a healthy life.


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