Results found for pro-amnesty | Eastern North Carolina Now

12 Results found for pro-amnesty

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Rasmussen - 54% support deporting all illegal aliens, 41% support amnesty
Rasmussen - 54% support deporting all illegal aliens, 41% support amnesty
worst than expected Senate border bill grants amnesty, legalizes Biden parole pipeline
worst than expected Senate border bill grants amnesty, legalizes Biden parole pipeline
Foundation with $16 billion endowment pledges to fight for immigrants to 'live free of fear, regardless of documentation status'
Foundation with $16 billion endowment pledges to fight for immigrants to 'live free of fear, regardless of documentation status'
group made trip to the border connected with Biden
With the release of a 30-second television ad broadcast during last night's Republican Primary Presidential Debate, Moore County GOP Executive Committee Member and communications professional Kay R. Daly announced that she is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress.
With the release of a 30-second television ad broadcast during last night's Republican Primary Presidential Debate, Moore County GOP Executive Committee Member and communications professional Kay R. Daly announced that she is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress.
Barry Obama and John Boehner got their $1 trillion spending monstrosity pushed through the House last night by a 219-206 margin. Amnesty got fully funded.
Barry Obama and John Boehner got their $1 trillion spending monstrosity pushed through the House last night by a 219-206 margin. Amnesty got fully funded.
At the national level, Republicans have surrendered on taxes, debt, gays in the military, ObamaCare and amnesty. On the state level, the NCGOP is in the midst of surrendering on ObamaCare, taxes, and amnesty.
At the national level, Republicans have surrendered on taxes, debt, gays in the military, ObamaCare and amnesty. On the state level, the NCGOP is in the midst of surrendering on ObamaCare, taxes, and amnesty.
Early voting is underway. We've got a GOP leadership in Washington looking to sell us out on amnesty and ObamaCare.
Early voting is underway. We've got a GOP leadership in Washington looking to sell us out on amnesty and ObamaCare.
North Carolina state House speaker, and US Senate candidate, Thom Tillis has picked up the endorsement of the DC-based Business & Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC).
North Carolina state House speaker, and US Senate candidate, Thom Tillis has picked up the endorsement of the DC-based Business & Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC).
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.


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