Monday, April 28th, 2014 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Monday, April 28th, 2014


Archived Results for Monday, April 28th, 2014

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Governor Pat McCrory has appointed Steve P. Keen as the new director of the state's Eastern Office.
Governor Pat McCrory has appointed Steve P. Keen as the new director of the state's Eastern Office.
A few weeks ago, I wrote that partisan control of the U.S. Senate may well be determined here in North Carolina, where Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan suffers from low job-approval ratings and a close association with unpopular President Barack Obama.
A few weeks ago, I wrote that partisan control of the U.S. Senate may well be determined here in North Carolina, where Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan suffers from low job-approval ratings and a close association with unpopular President Barack Obama.
Check out the Local Weather and Forecast for Washington, NC in Beaufort County
Check out the Local Weather and Forecast for Washington, NC in Beaufort County
The video below of the April 23, 2014 Beaufort County Jail Committee meeting depicts a phenomenal event in the history of Beaufort County.
The video below of the April 23, 2014 Beaufort County Jail Committee meeting depicts a phenomenal event in the history of Beaufort County.
Early voting is underway. We've got a GOP leadership in Washington looking to sell us out on amnesty and ObamaCare.
Early voting is underway. We've got a GOP leadership in Washington looking to sell us out on amnesty and ObamaCare.
Foundation preparation for the newest residence halls, Gateway East and West, has begun and project completion is scheduled for July 2015. Gateway East and West will be the newest addition to East Carolina University's campus living as they replace Belk Residence Hall and will house 720 students.
Foundation preparation for the newest residence halls, Gateway East and West, has begun and project completion is scheduled for July 2015. Gateway East and West will be the newest addition to East Carolina University's campus living as they replace Belk Residence Hall and will house 720 students.
BCCC students and faculty have been away from campus this week enjoying Spring Break while staff members have taken the opportunity to catch up on their work while the campus is less busy than usual.
BCCC students and faculty have been away from campus this week enjoying Spring Break while staff members have taken the opportunity to catch up on their work while the campus is less busy than usual.
Senator Bill Cook (R-District 1) issued the following statement on the damage from tornadoes in eastern North Carolina.
Senator Bill Cook (R-District 1) issued the following statement on the damage from tornadoes in eastern North Carolina.


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