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89 Results found for reagan

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At the precise moment I heard that longtime Republican strategist Jack Hawke had finally lost his battle with cancer, I was editing a book chapter about the 1984 race for North Carolina's governor. It was a pivotal campaign in the state's political history, as the Democratic Party fractured and...
At the precise moment I heard that longtime Republican strategist Jack Hawke had finally lost his battle with cancer, I was editing a book chapter about the 1984 race for North Carolina's governor. It was a pivotal campaign in the state's political history, as the Democratic Party fractured and...
We’ve got a 17 percent federal spending freeze. But to hear the media tell it, we are experiencing THE END OF DAYS.
We’ve got a 17 percent federal spending freeze. But to hear the media tell it, we are experiencing THE END OF DAYS.
How on earth could an Obama-liberal be one of the four Republican Leaders in the State House?
Lady Thatcher was a woman of honor, courage, high principled who endured ridicule and hatred for saving the British Empire.
Lady Thatcher was a woman of honor, courage, high principled who endured ridicule and hatred for saving the British Empire.
If you had to choose a single election cycle to spotlight as the most consequential in recent North Carolina history, which would it be?
If you had to choose a single election cycle to spotlight as the most consequential in recent North Carolina history, which would it be?
In 2010, we were told a conservative revolution was sweeping North Carolina AND the country. In 2012, we were told conservatism was on the rise -- with the election of a new GOP lt.
In 2010, we were told a conservative revolution was sweeping North Carolina AND the country. In 2012, we were told conservatism was on the rise -- with the election of a new GOP lt.
Dr. Arthur Laffer, former economic advisor to President Reagan and commonly referred to as the father of supply-side economics sits down with Civitas to discuss how cuts in tax rates bring prosperity.
Dr. Arthur Laffer, former economic advisor to President Reagan and commonly referred to as the father of supply-side economics sits down with Civitas to discuss how cuts in tax rates bring prosperity.
The Beaufort County Republican Party's Reagan Day Dinner has set its date, and respectfully requests your attendance.
The Beaufort County Republican Party's Reagan Day Dinner has set its date, and respectfully requests your attendance.
The Beaufort County Republican Party's Reagan Day Dinner has set its date, and respectfully requests your attendance.
The Beaufort County Republican Party's Reagan Day Dinner has set its date, and respectfully requests your attendance.
Nothing bristles dedicated conservatives like the word 'amnesty' tossed around while Congress debates immigration reform.
Nothing bristles dedicated conservatives like the word 'amnesty' tossed around while Congress debates immigration reform.
Famed economist Arthur Laffer provided real-world economic solutions at the Civitas Institute's legislative training session recently in Raleigh.
Famed economist Arthur Laffer provided real-world economic solutions at the Civitas Institute's legislative training session recently in Raleigh.
How many times have you tried to have a serious conversation about current events only to have your listeners say, "I'm not interested in politics"?
How many times have you tried to have a serious conversation about current events only to have your listeners say, "I'm not interested in politics"?
What does it mean to be Republican? Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater established the national party as a force for shrinking government and cutting taxes.
What does it mean to be Republican? Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater established the national party as a force for shrinking government and cutting taxes.
Brant Clifton wrote two short pieces on Friday, and I am writing one today. Does anyone really care?
This general election has been heralded as the most important election in 30 years. I surmise that this is the most important election in exactly 32 years.
This general election has been heralded as the most important election in 30 years. I surmise that this is the most important election in exactly 32 years.
A good many polls are being conducted about who is ahead, and as to which candidate could possibly win the upcoming presidential election. Our Advice: Don't believe anything you see or hear.
A good many polls are being conducted about who is ahead, and as to which candidate could possibly win the upcoming presidential election. Our Advice: Don't believe anything you see or hear.
I am not sure any "government program" can "solve" an economy run down the tubes since Reagan started the "trickle down" assumptions which have obviously failed.
I am not sure any "government program" can "solve" an economy run down the tubes since Reagan started the "trickle down" assumptions which have obviously failed.
Today Third District Congressional candidate Frank Palombo praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu, calling him Israel's Ronald Reagan.
Today Third District Congressional candidate Frank Palombo praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu, calling him Israel's Ronald Reagan.
After a lot of bickering we finally agreed on a bi-partisan approach to identify how we should go about getting our National finances back in order.
After a lot of bickering we finally agreed on a bi-partisan approach to identify how we should go about getting our National finances back in order.
Please mark your calenders for Monday, August 8th at 6:30 pm at the Landmark Baptist Church, 4657 US Hwy 13 South for our next Tea Party examining "Ronald Reagan: A Time for Choosing."
Please mark your calenders for Monday, August 8th at 6:30 pm at the Landmark Baptist Church, 4657 US Hwy 13 South for our next Tea Party examining "Ronald Reagan: A Time for Choosing."
Obama's first 365 days could be just like "the Gipper's." If one remembers well back in 1980, Ronald Wilson Reagan was none too popular as well.
Obama's first 365 days could be just like "the Gipper's." If one remembers well back in 1980, Ronald Wilson Reagan was none too popular as well.
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