Results found for sunset provisions | Eastern North Carolina Now

23 Results found for sunset provisions

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On December 28, 2021, Jon Sanders submitted public comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
On December 28, 2021, Jon Sanders submitted public comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
At the close of the Trump administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized a rule instituting a periodic review process with a sunset provision for all agency regulations that affect small businesses.
At the close of the Trump administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized a rule instituting a periodic review process with a sunset provision for all agency regulations that affect small businesses.
A bill now before the state Senate, House Bill 590, would make a simple but sensible adjustment to an already good regulatory policy.
A bill now before the state Senate, House Bill 590, would make a simple but sensible adjustment to an already good regulatory policy.
Not long ago I wrote a report on the importance of sunset provisions with periodic review of state regulations. In it I equated reviewing old state rules with cleaning out a toolshed.
Not long ago I wrote a report on the importance of sunset provisions with periodic review of state regulations. In it I equated reviewing old state rules with cleaning out a toolshed.
A new look at rule-making activity in North Carolina shows that regulation, as the old beach tee puts it, keeps on truckin'
A new look at rule-making activity in North Carolina shows that regulation, as the old beach tee puts it, keeps on truckin'
My fellow Americans: Today, I want to update the world on our efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
My fellow Americans: Today, I want to update the world on our efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
The conference report on House Bill 162, which has already passed the Senate, includes a common-sense adjustment of the state’s sunset provisions with periodic review
The conference report on House Bill 162, which has already passed the Senate, includes a common-sense adjustment of the state’s sunset provisions with periodic review
Who should be required to get more training: An auto mechanic changing your faulty brakes, fixing your misaligned steering column, and replacing a leaky fuel pump - or a barber taking a little off the top?
Who should be required to get more training: An auto mechanic changing your faulty brakes, fixing your misaligned steering column, and replacing a leaky fuel pump - or a barber taking a little off the top?
A healthy skepticism tends to come in handy. That's especially true when it comes to gauging the merits of a new government program
A healthy skepticism tends to come in handy. That's especially true when it comes to gauging the merits of a new government program
Building on transformational reforms begun in 2011, North Carolina's elected leaders continued changes in 2015 to curtail spending, instill fiscal responsibility, rein in regulations, improve education, make government open and accountable, and create the best possible conditions for economic growth
Building on transformational reforms begun in 2011, North Carolina's elected leaders continued changes in 2015 to curtail spending, instill fiscal responsibility, rein in regulations, improve education, make government open and accountable, and create the best possible conditions for economic growth
A new, groundbreaking report from Beacon Hill economists estimated that in 2015 state regulations cost North Carolina's economy at minimum $3.1 billion and possibly as much as $25.5 billion.
A new, groundbreaking report from Beacon Hill economists estimated that in 2015 state regulations cost North Carolina's economy at minimum $3.1 billion and possibly as much as $25.5 billion.
Apart from its compliance costs (which can be massive) and opportunity costs (which can be unfathomable), another cost of overregulation can be difficult in a different way to quantify: overcriminalization.
Apart from its compliance costs (which can be massive) and opportunity costs (which can be unfathomable), another cost of overregulation can be difficult in a different way to quantify: overcriminalization.
North Carolina is one of the more aggressive states in the nation in licensing occupations. This is a significant impediment to freedom in a state that once boasted, and ought to be able to again, of being "First in Freedom."
North Carolina is one of the more aggressive states in the nation in licensing occupations. This is a significant impediment to freedom in a state that once boasted, and ought to be able to again, of being "First in Freedom."
North Carolina is one of the more aggressive states in the nation in licensing occupations. This is a significant impediment to freedom in a state that once boasted, and ought to be able to again, of being "First in Freedom."
North Carolina is one of the more aggressive states in the nation in licensing occupations. This is a significant impediment to freedom in a state that once boasted, and ought to be able to again, of being "First in Freedom."
Late last year an audit of the State Board of Opticians determined that the board "will lack adequate funds to continue operating within the next year" and that, despite cost-cutting measures already undertaken, soon "will no longer be able to provide the licensing services and practitioner...
Late last year an audit of the State Board of Opticians determined that the board "will lack adequate funds to continue operating within the next year" and that, despite cost-cutting measures already undertaken, soon "will no longer be able to provide the licensing services and practitioner...
The Supreme Court has taken up a North Carolina case that could have far-reaching impacts on state licensure. Given that occupational licensing is a modern-day guild system making it harder for people to find work - or find workers - that would be an effect greatly to be wished.
The Supreme Court has taken up a North Carolina case that could have far-reaching impacts on state licensure. Given that occupational licensing is a modern-day guild system making it harder for people to find work - or find workers - that would be an effect greatly to be wished.
The Supreme Court has taken up a North Carolina case that could have far-reaching impacts on state licensure. Given that occupational licensing is a modern-day guild system making it harder for people to find work – or find workers – that would be an effect greatly to be wished.
The Supreme Court has taken up a North Carolina case that could have far-reaching impacts on state licensure. Given that occupational licensing is a modern-day guild system making it harder for people to find work – or find workers – that would be an effect greatly to be wished.
Lawmakers wrapped up the 2013 legislative session with a bill embracing broad regulatory reform. The 68-page bill crossed into several functions of state...
Lawmakers wrapped up the 2013 legislative session with a bill embracing broad regulatory reform. The 68-page bill crossed into several functions of state...
Legislators can take one of the most effective steps toward fighting overregulation in North Carolina by setting expiration dates for state rules. Support for end dates -- or sunsetting -- is one of the key findings in a new John Locke Foundation Spotlight report.
Legislators can take one of the most effective steps toward fighting overregulation in North Carolina by setting expiration dates for state rules. Support for end dates -- or sunsetting -- is one of the key findings in a new John Locke Foundation Spotlight report.
North Carolina features over 50 occupational licensing boards. The state licenses more occupations than most other states and is one of the more aggressive in licensing jobs for the poor or less educated.
North Carolina features over 50 occupational licensing boards. The state licenses more occupations than most other states and is one of the more aggressive in licensing jobs for the poor or less educated.
North Carolina's aggressive approach to occupational licensing raises prices and protects current members of a profession more than it protects consumers.
North Carolina's aggressive approach to occupational licensing raises prices and protects current members of a profession more than it protects consumers.
Improving education and restraining electricity rates are among the top issues facing the candidates for state House District 8, covering parts of Pitt and Wilson counties.
Improving education and restraining electricity rates are among the top issues facing the candidates for state House District 8, covering parts of Pitt and Wilson counties.
They are heralding solutions to education woes, an anemic economy, joblessness and illegal immigration, but Republican congressional and lieutenant governor candidates in North Carolina's July 17 runoff elections lament that their messages will not spark much voter turnout.
They are heralding solutions to education woes, an anemic economy, joblessness and illegal immigration, but Republican congressional and lieutenant governor candidates in North Carolina's July 17 runoff elections lament that their messages will not spark much voter turnout.


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