Results found for the great debate | Eastern North Carolina Now

11 Results found for the great debate

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It’s trite to say the country is divided.
Original documents should play an important role in American history education. That's the approach from Roger Beckett, executive director of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University. Beckett explained his preference for original historical documents over textbooks during a recent presentation...
Original documents should play an important role in American history education. That's the approach from Roger Beckett, executive director of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University. Beckett explained his preference for original historical documents over textbooks during a recent presentation...
The job rationale for going to college is intense these days, especially now that there are statistics from state governments showing that some majors offer dismal prospects while others are high-paying.
The job rationale for going to college is intense these days, especially now that there are statistics from state governments showing that some majors offer dismal prospects while others are high-paying.
Unfortunately, we're not voting for the winner of a game show here. We're choosing someone to vote on our behalf amid the DC nonsense.
Unfortunately, we're not voting for the winner of a game show here. We're choosing someone to vote on our behalf amid the DC nonsense.
We've got a political debate that's sure to draw a lot of media attention here in town Monday night.
To make a long story short, the great debate in North Carolina politics concerns how state and local governments can best promote economic growth and opportunity. Opinions differ widely, as one might expect. But generally speaking, they can be grouped into three schools of thought that bear...
To make a long story short, the great debate in North Carolina politics concerns how state and local governments can best promote economic growth and opportunity. Opinions differ widely, as one might expect. But generally speaking, they can be grouped into three schools of thought that bear...
I don't blame Thom Tillis for refusing to attend one of the three televised GOP Senate primary debates. The only mystery is why he (or any candidate) is bothering with any of them.
I don't blame Thom Tillis for refusing to attend one of the three televised GOP Senate primary debates. The only mystery is why he (or any candidate) is bothering with any of them.
Commercial restrictions through tariffs have been an integral part of American history. The federal government has used forms of commercial restriction as a source of revenue and to protect American industry and labor.
Commercial restrictions through tariffs have been an integral part of American history. The federal government has used forms of commercial restriction as a source of revenue and to protect American industry and labor.
From taxes and spending to regulation, education, and transportation, the 2013 session of the North Carolina General Assembly proved historic in producing positive reforms for state government. That's the assessment from top John Locke Foundation staffers reviewing this year's legislative scorecard.
From taxes and spending to regulation, education, and transportation, the 2013 session of the North Carolina General Assembly proved historic in producing positive reforms for state government. That's the assessment from top John Locke Foundation staffers reviewing this year's legislative scorecard.
From taxes and spending to regulation, education, and transportation, the 2013 session of the North Carolina General Assembly proved historic in producing...
From taxes and spending to regulation, education, and transportation, the 2013 session of the North Carolina General Assembly proved historic in producing...
On Tuesday evening, the second presidential debate of 2012 put President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney in a town hall-style forum moderated by CNN's Candy Crowley.
On Tuesday evening, the second presidential debate of 2012 put President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney in a town hall-style forum moderated by CNN's Candy Crowley.


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