Results found for the mentally ill | Eastern North Carolina Now

38 Results found for the mentally ill

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As of now, only two third-party candidates have announced their campaigns for NC governor and they are both libertarians, setting up a third party primary for Super Tuesday in March, 2024.
As of now, only two third-party candidates have announced their campaigns for NC governor and they are both libertarians, setting up a third party primary for Super Tuesday in March, 2024.
Ben Shapiro isn’t a radical himself, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation acknowledges, yet somehow he is radicalizing young men by espousing mainstream beliefs that have only recently become “controversial” to the Left.
Ben Shapiro isn’t a radical himself, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation acknowledges, yet somehow he is radicalizing young men by espousing mainstream beliefs that have only recently become “controversial” to the Left.
I share with you a piece I wrote for my blog, about care for the mentally ill. Since this piece was written some things about serving the mental health needs of North Carolina have changed, some have not.
I share with you a piece I wrote for my blog, about care for the mentally ill. Since this piece was written some things about serving the mental health needs of North Carolina have changed, some have not.
If you haven't noticed, the current Federal government has managed to confine you in an almost escape proof box.

The Box

If you haven't noticed, the current Federal government has managed to confine you in an almost escape proof box.
Before agreeing to a schedule for adjourning this year’s legislative work, state lawmakers rejected one final push from Democrats to consider Medicaid expansion.
Before agreeing to a schedule for adjourning this year’s legislative work, state lawmakers rejected one final push from Democrats to consider Medicaid expansion.
John Lacava explains why he is running for School Board
John Lacava explains why he is running for School Board
President Donald J. Trump is taking historic action to increase the adoption of best practices in law enforcement and support a safe and secure America.
On Wednesday, President Trump met with Congressional Democrats and Republicans to discuss measures to bolster student security in the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida massacre
On Wednesday, President Trump met with Congressional Democrats and Republicans to discuss measures to bolster student security in the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida massacre
Vice President Mike Pence spoke to the graduating class of Notre Dame, drawing attention to the loss of free speech on American campuses. He denounced the “noxious wave that seems to be rushing over much of academia
Vice President Mike Pence spoke to the graduating class of Notre Dame, drawing attention to the loss of free speech on American campuses. He denounced the “noxious wave that seems to be rushing over much of academia
Even though Gov. Roy Cooper’s request to expand North Carolina’s Medicaid program unilaterally has been halted in federal court, some GOP lawmakers say they are open to considering a limited enrollment increase
Even though Gov. Roy Cooper’s request to expand North Carolina’s Medicaid program unilaterally has been halted in federal court, some GOP lawmakers say they are open to considering a limited enrollment increase
These are just a select few the countless lives that have been lost. All lives that did not necessarily have to be lost
These are just a select few the countless lives that have been lost. All lives that did not necessarily have to be lost
The Republican-led General Assembly in the just-ended 2016 short session maintained spending restraint, created and enlarged fiscal safeguards in case of an economic downturn, granted more income tax relief
The Republican-led General Assembly in the just-ended 2016 short session maintained spending restraint, created and enlarged fiscal safeguards in case of an economic downturn, granted more income tax relief
State Senator Bill Cook (R-District 1) voted today in support of the final bipartisan state budget compromise with the House of Representatives and Governor Pat McCrory
State Senator Bill Cook (R-District 1) voted today in support of the final bipartisan state budget compromise with the House of Representatives and Governor Pat McCrory
North Carolina House District 32 will have a new representative next year, and it appears likely it will be either seven-term Vance County commissioner Terry Garrison or Gary Lamont Miles Sr.
North Carolina House District 32 will have a new representative next year, and it appears likely it will be either seven-term Vance County commissioner Terry Garrison or Gary Lamont Miles Sr.
The U.S. Department of Justice should butt out of North Carolina's mental health problems, since it is partially responsible for getting us into the situation we now face.
The U.S. Department of Justice should butt out of North Carolina's mental health problems, since it is partially responsible for getting us into the situation we now face.
Rush Limbaugh used to have an “SUV update” parody segment, where he made fun of various drive-by reports that blamed actual automobiles — and NOT the people driving them — for various and sundry car accidents.
Rush Limbaugh used to have an “SUV update” parody segment, where he made fun of various drive-by reports that blamed actual automobiles — and NOT the people driving them — for various and sundry car accidents.
At last week's First Amendment Day celebration at UNC-Chapel Hill, Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), presented some alarming findings
At last week's First Amendment Day celebration at UNC-Chapel Hill, Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), presented some alarming findings
If anyone you love is mentally ill God help you, because the odds of getting adequate help elsewhere are about as good as winning the lottery. I speak from experience. My brother is bi-polar.
If anyone you love is mentally ill God help you, because the odds of getting adequate help elsewhere are about as good as winning the lottery. I speak from experience. My brother is bi-polar.
Mr. American Idol got a rather warm welcome this morning in conservative Moore County on WEEB radio's morning show.
Mr. American Idol got a rather warm welcome this morning in conservative Moore County on WEEB radio's morning show.
The Beaufort County Mental Health Association has awarded a scholarship to a student attending Beaufort County Community College in honor of John and Geneva Morgan, long-time mental health advocates.
The Beaufort County Mental Health Association has awarded a scholarship to a student attending Beaufort County Community College in honor of John and Geneva Morgan, long-time mental health advocates.
When the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Brown v. Board of Education decision, Umstead appointed a biracial committee to study the most effective way to accomplish integration in North Carolina schools.
When the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Brown v. Board of Education decision, Umstead appointed a biracial committee to study the most effective way to accomplish integration in North Carolina schools.
Governor Pat McCrory and DHHS Secretary Aldona Wos deserve credit for trying to sort out and find solutions to our Mental Health program. North Carolina's 2001 mental health "reforms" have been a disaster and the McCrory administration is the first to seriously address them.
Governor Pat McCrory and DHHS Secretary Aldona Wos deserve credit for trying to sort out and find solutions to our Mental Health program. North Carolina's 2001 mental health "reforms" have been a disaster and the McCrory administration is the first to seriously address them.
This amendment likely violates individual due process and equal protection guarantees, in addition to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
This amendment likely violates individual due process and equal protection guarantees, in addition to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
A clear majority of the Founding Fathers unquestionably believed in a universal right to bear arms.
North Carolina's mental health system is "very fragile," straining beneath the weight of psychiatrist shortages, emergency rooms overflowing...
North Carolina's mental health system is "very fragile," straining beneath the weight of psychiatrist shortages, emergency rooms overflowing...
We have been entrusted by you, the taxpayers of our state, to make fiscally and legally responsible decisions that are in the best interests of all North Carolinians.
We have been entrusted by you, the taxpayers of our state, to make fiscally and legally responsible decisions that are in the best interests of all North Carolinians.
Governor Perdue was wrong on several levels to have committed the state to an agreement over the Dorothea Dix property, but so is the legislature wrong in reneging on the deal.
Governor Perdue was wrong on several levels to have committed the state to an agreement over the Dorothea Dix property, but so is the legislature wrong in reneging on the deal.
The director of state facilities for the mentally ill and developmentally disabled said his department will continue to offer annual voter registration and voting assistance for patients and residents.
The director of state facilities for the mentally ill and developmentally disabled said his department will continue to offer annual voter registration and voting assistance for patients and residents.
2012 was the year we finally admitted that, much like a ship that sails for days one degree off course, our country and our state are lost and spiritually sick.
2012 was the year we finally admitted that, much like a ship that sails for days one degree off course, our country and our state are lost and spiritually sick.
Cecil Pearson's daughter Darlene told him she voted for Barack Obama for president. President of what? Cecil says Darlene couldn't tell you. Darlene, 40, is developmentally disabled and functions cognitively at about the level of a 7-year old.
Cecil Pearson's daughter Darlene told him she voted for Barack Obama for president. President of what? Cecil says Darlene couldn't tell you. Darlene, 40, is developmentally disabled and functions cognitively at about the level of a 7-year old.
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