Results found for ticket races | Eastern North Carolina Now

5 Results found for ticket races

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Revolution of the States: Conservative funders and consultants spend on big-ticket Washington races where nearly everyone has already made up their mind. If they turned their focus to state elections, they could dramatically change politics in many states.
Revolution of the States: Conservative funders and consultants spend on big-ticket Washington races where nearly everyone has already made up their mind. If they turned their focus to state elections, they could dramatically change politics in many states.
Most voters have followed the top of the ticket races, like President, Governor, and US Senator, but there are three sets of down ballot races which have gotten less attention that offer very stark contrasts on public policy going forward.
Most voters have followed the top of the ticket races, like President, Governor, and US Senator, but there are three sets of down ballot races which have gotten less attention that offer very stark contrasts on public policy going forward.
Republicans and Democrats held dueling news conferences Monday afternoon, trying to sway public opinion on the question of whether GOP Rep.-elect Mark Harris should be seated in the state's 9th U.S. Congressional District.
Republicans and Democrats held dueling news conferences Monday afternoon, trying to sway public opinion on the question of whether GOP Rep.-elect Mark Harris should be seated in the state's 9th U.S. Congressional District.
Fresh off a successful re-election race at home, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest has won another election on a national platform. He was chosen by his GOP peers as 2017 vice chairman of the Republican Lieutenant Governors Association
Fresh off a successful re-election race at home, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest has won another election on a national platform. He was chosen by his GOP peers as 2017 vice chairman of the Republican Lieutenant Governors Association
The race in state Senate District 1 was a toss-up in 2012, and it is once again as Republican incumbent Sen. Bill Cook and former Sen. Stan White square off again.
The race in state Senate District 1 was a toss-up in 2012, and it is once again as Republican incumbent Sen. Bill Cook and former Sen. Stan White square off again.


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