Results found for washington industrial park | Eastern North Carolina Now

31 Results found for washington industrial park

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Several years ago the county was refused USDA financing for a justice center at the Minute Man site because the project's sponsors could not demonstrate sufficient community support for the proposal.
Several years ago the county was refused USDA financing for a justice center at the Minute Man site because the project's sponsors could not demonstrate sufficient community support for the proposal.
This was the response from the Anointed One to Eric Cantor just after the inauguration in 2009. The entire statement was; "Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won."
This was the response from the Anointed One to Eric Cantor just after the inauguration in 2009. The entire statement was; "Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won."
Earlier last year you began acting on a proposal to fund a new jail at the Washington Industrial Park.
Earlier last year you began acting on a proposal to fund a new jail at the Washington Industrial Park.
Over the last few weeks we have published stories about Flanders Filters, a local manufacturing firm located in Beaufort County. The most recent story was about a change of management leadership at Flanders.
Over the last few weeks we have published stories about Flanders Filters, a local manufacturing firm located in Beaufort County. The most recent story was about a change of management leadership at Flanders.
If you ever had the slightest doubt that the lame duck majority on the current County Commission is making extraordinary attempts to railroad a new jail before the people can vote on three members of the Commission then this agenda item should disabuse you of any such doubts.
If you ever had the slightest doubt that the lame duck majority on the current County Commission is making extraordinary attempts to railroad a new jail before the people can vote on three members of the Commission then this agenda item should disabuse you of any such doubts.
Reliable source tell us there is a big shakeup going on at Flanders Filters, one of Beaufort County's largest manufacturing employers. Sources confirm that there was an employee meeting called this morning (6-27-14) and it was announced that CEO Harry Smith has been replaced by Peter Jones.
Reliable source tell us there is a big shakeup going on at Flanders Filters, one of Beaufort County's largest manufacturing employers. Sources confirm that there was an employee meeting called this morning (6-27-14) and it was announced that CEO Harry Smith has been replaced by Peter Jones.
If you've ever wondered why the Republican Party in Beaufort County is so divided you need look no further for a prime example than the March monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
If you've ever wondered why the Republican Party in Beaufort County is so divided you need look no further for a prime example than the March monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
The Washington Daily News recently published an editorial in which they complained about Hood Richardson and Stan Deatherage not attending the local annual Board of Commissioners' planning retreat. The editorial suggested it was their duty to attend the session.
The Washington Daily News recently published an editorial in which they complained about Hood Richardson and Stan Deatherage not attending the local annual Board of Commissioners' planning retreat. The editorial suggested it was their duty to attend the session.
At the recent annual "planning retreat" of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners one of the presenters, Dr. William Rivenbark, reviewed the financial status of the county.
At the recent annual "planning retreat" of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners one of the presenters, Dr. William Rivenbark, reviewed the financial status of the county.
The decision was an administrative one and should have been made solely by the County Manager according to board policy.
The decision was an administrative one and should have been made solely by the County Manager according to board policy.
At the recent candidates forum for the Washington City Council one of the questions posed to the candidates was related to how the city and county could cooperate better.
At the recent candidates forum for the Washington City Council one of the questions posed to the candidates was related to how the city and county could cooperate better.
Apparently, backroom dealing continues to be alive and well among the Democrats and RINO Al Klemm on the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners.
Apparently, backroom dealing continues to be alive and well among the Democrats and RINO Al Klemm on the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners.
The Rural Center is getting the axe. The waste, incompetence and tangled interests that your inane economic development schemes have forced on this county have likely lost their inspiration.
The Rural Center is getting the axe. The waste, incompetence and tangled interests that your inane economic development schemes have forced on this county have likely lost their inspiration.
If the old owners of the Weir plant and the new prospective buyers of that building were not in perfect agreement on the price at which the property should change hands, then it was their task, as private profit seeking parties, to negotiate until the difference could be reconciled.
If the old owners of the Weir plant and the new prospective buyers of that building were not in perfect agreement on the price at which the property should change hands, then it was their task, as private profit seeking parties, to negotiate until the difference could be reconciled.
Comparing the jail to a dungeon is a gross exaggeration. Our jail meets the standards for a jail. It has only been condemned in the dark cold corners of a few of our heavy thinkers.
Comparing the jail to a dungeon is a gross exaggeration. Our jail meets the standards for a jail. It has only been condemned in the dark cold corners of a few of our heavy thinkers.
Last year on March 19, the then executive director of the Economic Development Commission presented his report for 2011 and his assurances for EDC's coming achievements in 2012.
Last year on March 19, the then executive director of the Economic Development Commission presented his report for 2011 and his assurances for EDC's coming achievements in 2012.
After handing over half a million dollars in the last five years or so (ending June 2011), with the understanding that it was seed money and there would be no further public funding (and, as I understood it, no further forgiveness of tax bills) by Washington.
After handing over half a million dollars in the last five years or so (ending June 2011), with the understanding that it was seed money and there would be no further public funding (and, as I understood it, no further forgiveness of tax bills) by Washington.
For over a year we have been publishing articles on the dysfunctional Beaufort County Economic Development Commission and its cohort non-profit the Committee of 100.
For over a year we have been publishing articles on the dysfunctional Beaufort County Economic Development Commission and its cohort non-profit the Committee of 100.
The Beaufort County Commissioners think they have a buyer for the ill-fated Quick Start II building in the Washington Industrial Park.
The Beaufort County Commissioners think they have a buyer for the ill-fated Quick Start II building in the Washington Industrial Park.
What store?? The Beaufort County store. You know, the store run by our County Commissioners. It sure doesn't seem to be the Commissioners. Well, at least five of 'em.
What store?? The Beaufort County store. You know, the store run by our County Commissioners. It sure doesn't seem to be the Commissioners. Well, at least five of 'em.
When the history of America, North Carolina and Beaufort County in the early 21st century is written one of the major issue that will be recalled will be government intervention in private enterprise.
When the history of America, North Carolina and Beaufort County in the early 21st century is written one of the major issue that will be recalled will be government intervention in private enterprise.
The Beaufort County and City of Washington taxpayers were treated to another prime example last week of why we have such a mess with the Economic Development Commission (EDC) in Beaufort County.
The Beaufort County and City of Washington taxpayers were treated to another prime example last week of why we have such a mess with the Economic Development Commission (EDC) in Beaufort County.
What is actually sane about this report? What do you find acceptable about a one sided public relations piece being submitted, 75 days late and only after a threatened suspension of pay, in place of documented tool for management review and oversight?
What is actually sane about this report? What do you find acceptable about a one sided public relations piece being submitted, 75 days late and only after a threatened suspension of pay, in place of documented tool for management review and oversight?
We address the much belated Beaufort County EDC report, now finally submitted, through contributor Warren Smith's correspondence to Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm.
We address the much belated Beaufort County EDC report, now finally submitted, through contributor Warren Smith's correspondence to Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm.
It is rumored that the property initially earmarked for the incentive land grant to P&G/A&E Manufacturing has not qualified for the state funded sewer grant necessary to improve the property for the construction of A&E's 50,000 sq. ft. building.
It is rumored that the property initially earmarked for the incentive land grant to P&G/A&E Manufacturing has not qualified for the state funded sewer grant necessary to improve the property for the construction of A&E's 50,000 sq. ft. building.
The I-95 corridor is no stranger to the disastrous mistakes of economic developers.
The I-95 corridor is no stranger to the disastrous mistakes of economic developers.
I have come across a copy of an e mail which appears to have been sent to the members of the EDC and Committee of 100. It is dated June 17, 2011 and represents itself to be a prep sheet sent on the authority of the Executive Director of the EDC and the Chairwoman of the EDC to rehearse supporters.
I have come across a copy of an e mail which appears to have been sent to the members of the EDC and Committee of 100. It is dated June 17, 2011 and represents itself to be a prep sheet sent on the authority of the Executive Director of the EDC and the Chairwoman of the EDC to rehearse supporters.
Much of the distrust of the Economic Development Commission is due to its lack of candor, lack of responsiveness and lack accountability.
Much of the distrust of the Economic Development Commission is due to its lack of candor, lack of responsiveness and lack accountability.
Meanwhile, the EDC is a tax payer financed commission competing in land sales with its tax paying neighbors, and vainly trying to rent space in competition with other landlords while neglecting to write a single grant for three and one half years.
Meanwhile, the EDC is a tax payer financed commission competing in land sales with its tax paying neighbors, and vainly trying to rent space in competition with other landlords while neglecting to write a single grant for three and one half years.
The Economic Development Commission's budget and the Industrial Parks have combined to remove $8,494,000 from the available cash balances of Beaufort County government since 2002.
The Economic Development Commission's budget and the Industrial Parks have combined to remove $8,494,000 from the available cash balances of Beaufort County government since 2002.
Another "Dear Commissioner" letter from Warren Smith is worth publishing again.


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