Results found for phone | Eastern North Carolina Now

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117 Results found for phone

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Zuckerberg announced this week that Facebook was rolling back restrictions that it implemented during the Biden-era.
Zuckerberg announced this week that Facebook was rolling back restrictions that it implemented during the Biden-era.
A GOP-led House panel is seeking access to Dr. Anthoni Fauci‘s personal email accounts and cell phone records as part of an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.
A GOP-led House panel is seeking access to Dr. Anthoni Fauci‘s personal email accounts and cell phone records as part of an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre became agitated during an interview on Monday and hung up the phone after she was asked a couple of fair questions about President Joe Biden.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre became agitated during an interview on Monday and hung up the phone after she was asked a couple of fair questions about President Joe Biden.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is launching a new Statewide Peer Warmline on Feb. 20, 2024. The new Peer Warmline will work in tandem with the North Carolina 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by giving callers the option to speak with a Peer Support Specialist.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is launching a new Statewide Peer Warmline on Feb. 20, 2024. The new Peer Warmline will work in tandem with the North Carolina 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by giving callers the option to speak with a Peer Support Specialist.
Wade appeared to make dozens of trips to Willis' home before 2021, staying the night on at least two occasions, according to the data.
Wade appeared to make dozens of trips to Willis' home before 2021, staying the night on at least two occasions, according to the data.
Tens of thousands of Americans across the country had their cellular service disrupted earlier Thursday morning as AT&T’s network was reportedly down for over 60,000 customers.
Tens of thousands of Americans across the country had their cellular service disrupted earlier Thursday morning as AT&T’s network was reportedly down for over 60,000 customers.
"This disgraceful resolution serves only one purpose: to try to tie Israel's hands and allow Hamas to continue its reign of terror.”
"This disgraceful resolution serves only one purpose: to try to tie Israel's hands and allow Hamas to continue its reign of terror.”
In an unsurprising discovery, local boomer Susan Leigh's iPhone photo album was revealed to be exclusively made up of accidental screenshots.
In an unsurprising discovery, local boomer Susan Leigh's iPhone photo album was revealed to be exclusively made up of accidental screenshots.
As part of a new initiative to provide public services to minority groups in need, California Governor Gavin Newsom has promised the state's new "Ebony Alert" system for black people will be "separate but equal."
As part of a new initiative to provide public services to minority groups in need, California Governor Gavin Newsom has promised the state's new "Ebony Alert" system for black people will be "separate but equal."
An emergency alert message was errantly sent to over 330 million phones today after President Biden accidentally hit the wrong button reaching for his Life Alert.
An emergency alert message was errantly sent to over 330 million phones today after President Biden accidentally hit the wrong button reaching for his Life Alert.
A Palestinian dentist confessed that Israeli intelligence agents spent hours on the phone with him to warn him to evacuate his area and warn others before the area was targeted by the Israel Defense Forces.
A Palestinian dentist confessed that Israeli intelligence agents spent hours on the phone with him to warn him to evacuate his area and warn others before the area was targeted by the Israel Defense Forces.
In recognition of the hard-working Uyghur people enslaved in China, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced new iPhones would be etched with the name of the slave who assembled them.
In recognition of the hard-working Uyghur people enslaved in China, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced new iPhones would be etched with the name of the slave who assembled them.
POTLATCH, ID — A local man told his sad story to a support group this week, explaining his parents had named him "Scam Likely" and condemned him to a lifetime of never having anyone answer his phone calls.
POTLATCH, ID — A local man told his sad story to a support group this week, explaining his parents had named him "Scam Likely" and condemned him to a lifetime of never having anyone answer his phone calls.
With other ideas having failed, the family of Professor-Author-Philosopher Dr. Jordan B. Peterson made one final, desperate attempt to distract him with several cats in order to confiscate his phone.
With other ideas having failed, the family of Professor-Author-Philosopher Dr. Jordan B. Peterson made one final, desperate attempt to distract him with several cats in order to confiscate his phone.
In an event that surely proves extraterrestrial life exists, an incredible cell phone video has caught every moment leading up to, then immediately following an alien encounter.
In an event that surely proves extraterrestrial life exists, an incredible cell phone video has caught every moment leading up to, then immediately following an alien encounter.
According to sources with insider knowledge of the Gurfneld couple's date night, wife Robin Gurfneld, after staring at her phone during the entire movie, claimed the movie's plot made no sense.
According to sources with insider knowledge of the Gurfneld couple's date night, wife Robin Gurfneld, after staring at her phone during the entire movie, claimed the movie's plot made no sense.
Young people won’t remember this, but there was a day not that long ago when our modems went from being able to handle 14.4 Kbps (thousands of bits per second) of data to 28.8 Kbps.
Young people won’t remember this, but there was a day not that long ago when our modems went from being able to handle 14.4 Kbps (thousands of bits per second) of data to 28.8 Kbps.
The tech world is abuzz over an innovative new productivity app now available for iPhone and Android. The app is said to boost productivity by simply turning the phone off for a very long time.
The tech world is abuzz over an innovative new productivity app now available for iPhone and Android. The app is said to boost productivity by simply turning the phone off for a very long time.
After losing much of his personal wealth, his children, his physical health, and his reputation among his friends, witnesses report local patriarch Job had finally lost the will to live after discovering his cell phone had died.
After losing much of his personal wealth, his children, his physical health, and his reputation among his friends, witnesses report local patriarch Job had finally lost the will to live after discovering his cell phone had died.
Family, friends, and legal advisors of President Donald Trump were confused after learning Trump used his one phone call to contact Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and berate him from his location in a New York jail.
Family, friends, and legal advisors of President Donald Trump were confused after learning Trump used his one phone call to contact Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and berate him from his location in a New York jail.
Newly uncovered evidence shows that the walls of Jericho crumbled to the ground right after Joshua finished playing an absolutely boss saxophone solo.
Newly uncovered evidence shows that the walls of Jericho crumbled to the ground right after Joshua finished playing an absolutely boss saxophone solo.
This week, historians from the Graham Society announced that they can now confirm the authenticity of recently-discovered documentation revealing the contents of the inventor's second-ever completed phone call: an inbound robocall asking him about his car's extended warranty.
This week, historians from the Graham Society announced that they can now confirm the authenticity of recently-discovered documentation revealing the contents of the inventor's second-ever completed phone call: an inbound robocall asking him about his car's extended warranty.
For the 157th day in a row, family man Darren Cooper has resisted the siren call of an update for his iPhone that "provides important bug fixes and security updates."
For the 157th day in a row, family man Darren Cooper has resisted the siren call of an update for his iPhone that "provides important bug fixes and security updates."
Company Encourages Americans to Take the Phone’s Down for 5 Challenge During National Day of Unplugging on March 3
Company Encourages Americans to Take the Phone’s Down for 5 Challenge During National Day of Unplugging on March 3
A United Airlines plane tragically exploded into a massive fireball during takeoff after the man sitting in seat 23F failed to switch his phone to airplane mode, FAA authorities confirmed Friday.
A United Airlines plane tragically exploded into a massive fireball during takeoff after the man sitting in seat 23F failed to switch his phone to airplane mode, FAA authorities confirmed Friday.
Local dad Cory Logan glanced up from his iPhone today to mutter something or other to his teenage son about the dangers of technology.
Local dad Cory Logan glanced up from his iPhone today to mutter something or other to his teenage son about the dangers of technology.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Friday that he will start to create smartphones if Apple and Google remove Twitter from their app stores, a move that would be highly damaging to the social media company.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Friday that he will start to create smartphones if Apple and Google remove Twitter from their app stores, a move that would be highly damaging to the social media company.
The national 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is now receiving phone calls. Text and chat service continues uninterrupted.
The national 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is now receiving phone calls. Text and chat service continues uninterrupted.
International Fraud Awareness Week Begins Nov. 13
A local couple found themselves facing a challenging dilemma as they were confronted with deciding between giving their child a smartphone or just skipping the middle man and dropping the child off at a local pervert's house.
A local couple found themselves facing a challenging dilemma as they were confronted with deciding between giving their child a smartphone or just skipping the middle man and dropping the child off at a local pervert's house.
Pfizer has announced the launch of a new breakthrough treatment for depression, Thorovil, a pharmaceutical that consists of a heavy metal head mounted at a right angle at the end of a handle.
Pfizer has announced the launch of a new breakthrough treatment for depression, Thorovil, a pharmaceutical that consists of a heavy metal head mounted at a right angle at the end of a handle.
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