Doug Rufino's Response to Sherry Broussard on the Defaming of the Teaparty Movement | Eastern North Carolina Now

    Publisher's Note: Doug Rufino is the husband of Diane Rufino, and as many of you already know how much we value Diane's opinion. These comments are a response to Sherry Broussard's parroting of what she must have surmised from a steady diet of the vitriol of the left-wing-media. These comments were initially published in Greenville's Daily Reflector, and are in italics just below Mr. Rufino's retort. I publish these comments here in BCN because I see a distinct parallel between the relationship of the beliefs of Ms. Broussard and an irresponsible media, and that of the BRHS debacle here in Beaufort County.

    Your article insults my intelligence. You provide no evidence to support your "belief", yet you spout ignorant rhetoric. You blame Beck, Rush and the Tea Party for the actions by a lone, sick gunman? The Tea Party sponsors hate? This is your personal belief? They should be indicted as accessories? Such idiotic and reckless comments are easily seen as a shallow attempt to shamelessly exploit the tragedy for political purposes.

    The tragedy of the AZ shootings is that a sick individual, who we now know was a danger to the public, and had an issue with the Congressman from a previous event years before, was able to get to her. Rush, Beck, nor politics played any part.

    The recent change in the Washington landscape, Sherry, is not due to preachers of hate. Our Constitutional right to vote did that. You insult the American people throughout this country that elected the historic new Congress. Maybe you are still wondering how this happened. Look no further than to Americans who decided that government was getting increasingly out of control. Our FOUNDERS INSTRUCTED US to be wary of government, not Beck and Rush. Our DECLARATION TELLS US ".....Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."...

     The Tea Party does not preach hate, we teach return to Constitutional adherence. Liberals do not have a copyright on dissent. It would have helped if you were informed before you decided to write your insulting letter.

Tea Party Attitudes Led to Shooting

    Jan. 11, 2010

    Seeing the recent violence in Arizona, and the mail bombs in Maryland and Washington, D.C., I have to ask how much influence have we seen from Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck who have stirred up these Tea Party folks and others? I personally believe these folks are responsible for these crimes, as they want to make folks believe that these people are against the American people. Personally, I would like to see them indicted for accessory to the crime.

    They have instilled a ridiculous mind set and this is the result. Just because you lose doesn't mean you have the right to take things into your own hands. It is so sad that we now have reached a point in our society that because you disagree you can kill and or try to cause havoc. This is what we have come to due to these attitudes and the Tea Party. God help us all.


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