Comments for The Hood Advocates for Returning the People's Money Back to the People | Eastern North Carolina Now

Comments for The Hood Advocates for Returning the People's Money Back to the People

Commissioner Hood Richardson has long found his political center at the heart of debate of just who pays for government and how much they will be accorded that responsibility.

Enjoy the bush --- not sure whether that is figurative or literal, Bobby Tony.

I don't blame the government for anything but being the puppets instead of the controllers. When Conservatives are the puppets of the rich, I have a problem and the current Reaganomic Tax Code is an obvious failure to me!

I also say, Title XX (LBJ War on Poverty) has gone for 5 generations of tit sucking by poor people who don't WANT to work. Give them a shovel and swingblade for a 40 hour week before they get another government dollar from me!!!
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 8:48 am By: Gene Scarborough
Bobby Tony, I missed you man.

That's a bingo, Bobby Tony. Government is not the solution, government will never be the solution, government is the problem, and that is my strict summation of government after spending 18 years at the pinnacle of government here in Beaufort County.

Government can do far less damage if it is kept smaller, more nimble.

Thank-you Bobby Tony once again, and enjoy your walk-a-bout.
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 8:46 am By: Stan Deatherage
Here is a postcard from the bush by Bobby Tony who is currently on a walkabout but noticed this debate on the BCN tree in the wilderness. BCN sure gets around.
The best proof that you are a liberal is when you blame the government, i.e. Reagan, trickle down, and a recession, on the government. It points to the fact that you hold the “Liberal” view that the government is the cause of all your problems. The delusion is that therefore the government is also the solution of all your problems. A true conservative believes that the government causes problems only when it interferes in the free interaction of citizens making informed decisions on how to have commerce among themselves by trying to determine winners and losers by law. The government’s function in our system is to allow people to enjoy the fruits of their labor and efforts without trampling on others rights to achieve their goals. .Our foundation is that we have a finite limited number of rights given to us by our creator, or nature if you will, and not an all knowing and powerful government. That is why most liberals are always trying to expand the definition of rights, so they can make laws to control the populace.
Even the drunk laying in the gutter knew the answer when he saw a rich guy in a Cadillac drive by. He said “There but for me go I!!”’
Back to the Bush.
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 8:05 am By: Bobby Tony
Like I said, 'Not that there's anything wrong with that', but you are what you are.
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 5:16 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan --- "(Not that there;s anything wrong with that)" is a cop out, my brother. You see EVERYTHING wrong with what you label "liberal." Just like the SBC Takeover I describe in detail---you have added so many feet to the bench of life that what is really MODERATE appears to you at LIBERAL.

There is much danger in your tendency to hate and judge and label . . .
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 5:02 am By: Gene Scarborough
Then, you always choose the Liberal side, hence Liberal (Not that there;s anything wrong with that),
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 9:16 pm By: Stan Deatherage
"Liberal" smiberal --- MODERATE, my friend~~~Moderate (meaning I look at all sides of any issues and make up my mind for myself with much logic) . . .
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 8:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You Liberals live in a relative, world where math and principled behavior can not exist.
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 5:56 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Look up "opinionated hard head" in the dictionary and your pic below is there, brother!

That seems to be a trait of your kind of Conservative --- without the Reagan smile.
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 5:31 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The county commission has nothing to do with your dislike of Reagan, Vietnam, or your inability to understand basic math when it comes to a property tax rate v property tax value.

It is about you electing incompetent people and then complaining when they govern accordingly.

This is the government you deserve.
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 12:03 pm By: Stan Deatherage
There you go again, Stan (it's beginning to rhyme) --- calling a Moderate at Liberal is getting to be a cuss word and my chipper is not yet sold, buddy!!!

Here --- in facts and figures --- is the cause of deficit financing since Vietnam: You stop calling me a Liberal and I will stop compalining.

Were you not at the Commissioners meeting with a vote when I spoke with you and the others about how you could reduce the Property Tax to fair---why has it not yet been done with Hood's wise observation????
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 11:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
Gene, you support Liberals, who waste money and make terrible policy decisions, and then you blame it all on we, Conservatives, that actually know math and have good sense, unlike you Liberals.

This is the height of hypocrisy. Just pay your taxes. Stop complaining.
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 11:51 am By: Stan Deatherage
I am a small businessman who had to live off 20% of what I made pre-recession (Thanks Conservative for the Trickle Down Tax farce) ~~~ If citizens are living on less, then government can do the same, Stan . . .
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 10:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
You know Gene, that would work if there was no such thing as math.
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 8:05 am By: Stan Deatherage
I have a better idea: WE ALL KNOW PROPERTY TAXES ARE 30% HIGHER THAN ANY ACTUAL SALE VALUES! The Commissioners at their next meeting could vote to reduce it to actual values without an increase in the percent --- Since reappraisal 5 years ago, we have been screwed by 30% and no citizen would oppose such a change nor complain!!!

I just found out --- after almost losing my house to Property Taxes --- that over 65 and making under $30K makes you eligible for a REDUCTION! Why is that not on a big sign over the front desk at the Tax Office?????
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 5:44 am By: Gene Scarborough


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