Comments for Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty | Eastern North Carolina Now

Comments for Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

It has the video of what the history and purpose of controlling nuclear weapons has been since the 1950's.

SD: TMc here in Panama City Beach. Successful BCN Writer 01 & 02 are topping the charts and 03 is in production at the Schooners Bar. Free reading for any writers having low readership. TMc 3 in most popular and BT 4.
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 3:08 pm By: Ted McDonald
'America is more like pre-World War II Gernmany'; You did say that.

So, does that make Amatuer Hussein more like Adolf Hitler in your mind?

It is apparent that The Amateur does not like Benjamin Netanyahu, and I promise this, Hitler would have cared for him less than even Obama.

Believe it or not, I get what you are saying - Fascists do not like Jews.
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 2:23 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Stan --- "automatic" is an excuse when I see for myself how the conservative stuff gets on so much longer than any others . . . I may be dumb, but I ain't supic!!!

As to the comparison between us today and Chamberlain trying to appease Hitler ~~~ I hate to say it but since Vietnam we have made certain people rich over war / invaded and made good committed soldiers the targets of hate rather than our leaders (both conservative and liberal / Republican or Democrat) ~~~ then could care less about their PTSD and permanent body parts missing.

Right now --- we appear to be more akin to Germany than the America I have known in the early 50's after a righteous and necessary war. We were the prime mover in establishing the United Nations, but want them to always do our bidding. No single nation is always right in world affairs, my friend.

War made the Texas buddies of LBJ rich / Star Wars and aircraft producers of Reagan rich / without a doubt Dick Cheney personally more than rich . . .They profited / we paid / the soldiers got the booby prize of valor wasted on wars we never can win in 3rd World countries only wanting their chance.

Diplomacy is a far better route --- in my view --- against a bunch of camel riders in the desert of the Middle East. We leave the munitions or give them foolishly to be used against us!!! It is much like we sold steel cheap to Japan and saw it fall from the skies over Pearl Harbor. "Stupid" and "Wealth" seem to go together far too often in our quest for World Power. . .

Thanks for getting back of a track having to do with the Nuclear Treaty, buddy!
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 2:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Gene, if I left posts on the upper end of the latest Articles segment based on views, then I would have to leave two of Ted's minimalist posts: one on sunsets, the other on the Mississippi Battle Flag, and yet not a peep from Ted.

Plus, our system is not set up to leave a few favored posts at the top continuously.

I could easily change my system, but I won't.
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 1:55 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Think about Chamberlain in 1938 dealing with Hitler:

1) Germany was arguably the most powerful military in the world at that point.

2) Great Britain and Germany share a common culture, royalty, even DNA.

3) The horrors of World War I were fresh in the hearts of all Europeans.

4) Germany is a neighboring country, plus Hitler had an known affinity for Great Britain ...

Yet war did occur, and in retrospect, World War II is know now as the Good War.

Now we are appeasing a weak nation, a bigoted nation, a cruel nation that was losing on all fronts until Amateur Obama took over, and will soon possess deliverable nuclear warheads, and yet The Amateur is lying again to Americans that this is a good peace, a necessary peace.

My impression of this infamous bargain, as juxtaposed between Neville Chamberlain and Amateur Hussein Obama: Neville Chamberlain was tricked into appeasement by a more clever Adolf Hitler. The Prime Minister soon lost his job to Winston Churchill, but soon saw his supreme error in the Munich Accords, and then served ably to help Churchill, as a deputy, as a patriot during WW II.

Amateur Hussein is no patriot for he will never admit his multiple unmistakable errors here. Barrack Hussein reminds many, maybe most, American patriots as more of a traitor than a wanton appeaser.
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 1:43 pm By: Stan Deatherage
That was 3 more wasted word segments, gentlemen . . .
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 1:43 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Suck up to the Publisher BT / get your many trite/good (some are some aren't) things on / ignore the elephant in the room ~~~ the squeaky wheel get oiled / the ignored good and quality posts should stay up! See if the Arms Treaty does not lead the national publications and media coverage for weeks . . .

In my view --- that is for the readers to decide and not you and Stan, bro! If BCN is fair and balanced along with open it will grow. If it becomes the same ultra-conservative publication it was when I joined in along with a couple of others, there is hope.

Stan is the Publisher which means --- he absolutely controls what gets on and when -- even though he has been more than fair to post my contrarian views~~~THAT I DO APPRECIATE
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 1:41 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan, I spent too many years as a tinkerer and it is a habit I can't drop. But one of the last things I want to do is detract from the importance of this very serious subject about making a treaty with a country that openly expresses it's wish to destroy us and Israel.
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 1:18 pm By: Bobby Tony
I swear Bobby Tony. I wish I could hire you.

Who says we old guys don't get this stuff.
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 12:51 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I like your technique of blasting the readers and then asking them to please read your post. That is a most unique sales technique.
If you will step back from your need for attention for just a moment and review the format of BCN you will see the following.
There are 3 or 4 Features articles rotating at the top.
There are 18 Latest Articles in the body of the page.
There are approximately 3 post under each heading
Government 3 post normally
Op-Ed Politics 3 post normally
Community 8 post normally
Business 3 post normally
The Region 3 post normally
The Arts 3 post normally
Living, 3 post normally
Announcements 6 post normally
These generally rotate on a regular basis.
Your obsession with positioning may be getting in the way of the impotence of you post. Notice I said impotence and not importance. I doubt that there is a sinister plot to keep your opinions hidden. Without any basis of fact, I suspect you are getting numerous views way beyond what the fluff post get.
However, in the interest of "FAIRNESS" I think it can be said that Liberals always seem to find a way to complain about arrangement of the deck chairs of theirs is not front and center.
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 12:00 pm By: Bobby Tony
Once more---it appears to me the conservative and simple stuff stay on and a more serious issue like the Nuclear Arms Treaty gets to the side. IS ANYONE HERE INTERESTED IN DEALING WITH SERIOUS STUFF ~~~ OR DO WE JUST PICK BLACKBERRIES AND WAIT FOR THE ATOMIC BLAST????
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 10:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
14 comments thus far ~~~ ONLY 1 (which is most worthy by BT) concerning the legal status of Treaties. It is not 6-6-6, But it gives the Constitutional basis I did not have time to properly research with 2-2-2. THANX!

The article in Wikipedia is helpful ~~~ but shows the last SCOTUS ruling relative to it with shades of gray in the decision and no willingness to make a decision. We may get another case from this action and then see what the Court says . . .

"The President may enter the United States into treaties, but they are not effective until ratified by a two-thirds vote in the Senate.[9] In Article II however, the Constitution is not very explicit about the termination of treaties. The first abrogation of a treaty occurred in 1798, when Congress passed a law terminating a 1778 Treaty of Alliance with France.[10] In the nineteenth century, several Presidents terminated treaties after Congress passed resolutions requesting the same.[11] In 1854, however, President Franklin Pierce terminated a treaty with Denmark with the consent of the Senate alone. A Senate committee ruled that it was correct procedure for the President to terminate treaties after being authorized by the Senate alone, and not the entire Congress. President Pierce's successors, however, returned to the former procedure of obtaining authorization from both Houses. Some Presidents have claimed to themselves the exclusive power of terminating treaties. Abraham Lincoln, for instance, terminated a treaty without prior Congressional authorization, but Congress retroactively approved his decision at a later point. The first unambiguous case of a President terminating a treaty without authorization, granted prior to or after the termination, occurred when Jimmy Carter terminated a treaty with the Republic of China.[12] For the first time, judicial determination was sought, but the effort proved futile: the Supreme Court could not find a majority agreeing on any particular principle, and therefore instructed the trial court to dismiss the case."

It would appear historically Congress felt the President was worthy of leading in negotiations and there is no case where a Treaty became as important as Nuclear Arms which affect our country and the world.

Bigger bombs / harder decisions / let's just not repeat 1945 ever again over humans on this planet. This is most serious and will likely happen if we keep messing with nations which have nothing to lose. The Russian Treaty over Cuba and Arms race was resolved. Carter got progress with Beagan/Sadat Peace accord that did not get ratification in their countries --- rather both me killed by hate of their citizens who would rather fight than make peace . . .


(1) Can we afford to keep on letting the nuclear knowledge out without most serious consequences?
(2) By the grace of God we beat the Germans to the Atomic problem's solution --- what if they had beaten us????
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 5:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
Eve said worse than that, but she had gotten it out on The Donald before church started!!!
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 7:45 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The percent of total Federal Spending is listed below
Social Security 33.6%
Medicare and health 27.42%
Military 15.88
Interest on the debt 5.9%
82.8% of spending is in the above four categories
The balance is spread out in all other categories

You need to proof your church joke. Did Adam really say that to Eve?
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 6:44 pm By: Bobby Tony
I went to Preach today and there sat Stan and BT with their wives beside them. I decided to do some questions to the audience. When I looked at Stan and asked, "Who is God's Son?" Lynn stuck him with her hat pin and he yelled ~~~ "JESUS CHRIST!"

Next I looked BT's way and asked, "When you are in bad trouble what do you say?" His wife stuck him with her pin and he yelled: "GOD HEP ME!!!"

My third question was at both of these worshipful guys. It was: "What did Adam say to Eve after the birth of their sons?"


It's Sunday and Ordained Baptist ministers always tell the "truth" on Sunday!!
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 5:56 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Remember Gene, this is the Republican primary not the Democrat Primary.

Soon, you'll have the Democrat primary and you will be able to crow to your heart's content over your big Democrat issues: Income re-distribution, weakening America at home and abroad for inclusion in a one World Government, satisfying the Race Industry, and killing babies.

Be patient Gene, your time will come.
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 5:23 pm By: Stan Deatherage
So tell me, boys ~~~ how did the analysis of the Republican Clown Show Thursday go in your opinion????? This morning all the shows featured analysis and I bet you were watching some of them with your fingers crossed!!!

You might as well have started your drinking early---there were no compliments and barely a whimper on any progressive ideas . . .

Talk about a Show with no real content, they never said a word about wealth (nor tax) inequity / busted economy still after years which started under Bush this time around / how about more than 50% of the US budget spent on war / surely that has nothing to do with deficit spending . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 4:29 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Robert Menendez will be soon to fall in line with patriotism and logic. Hussein Obama sicced his corrupt justice department on the NJ senator, so I think he is off the group-think plantation now.
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 4:02 pm By: Stan Deatherage
"The sending of it to Congress is but a courtesy." You called it a treaty in your post. Please review Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States.
At least two major democrats have already came out against the agreement. I suspect you can dismiss one because he is Jewish.
Jim Webb just announced he is running for POTUS, but he does not fit into the neatly Liberal Democratic straight jacket, so he too can be dismissed.
Do you re-read your comments and post?
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 3:47 pm By: Bobby Tony
Then, what the heck does Dear Emory, and the baptists have to do with anything?

Wait, you started it Gene, when you started in on Watergate, Tammy Faye, and Bobby Tony, rightly, began the discussion on who the real crooks are.
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 3:05 pm By: Stan Deatherage
If President Hussein wants, he can put her down with his attack dog justice dept., but, how much dirt does she have on Amateur Obama.

No matter how dishonest Hillary B. is, Hussein has her beat 3 fold.

Remember, Trey Gowdy is just getting warmed up.
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 3:03 pm By: Stan Deatherage
What the heck does any of this have to do with the Treaty and its importance, gentlemen??? I am amazed how Congress can't get anything done, yet you guys carry on about those not having anything to do with their crazy . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 3:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I think Hillary is already done and I think that the POTUS is adding oxygen to the fire behind the scenes. Gene thinks I am making this overblown but there is not love lost between the Clinton and Obama camps. She is on the way to self imploding but a few nudges from the President could do it. If for no other reason, he owes a big debt of loyalty to Joe Biden.
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 2:38 pm By: Bobby Tony
Bobby Tony, You know I was in local government, but the core of governing ethics are universal under our constitution. I know the ethical argument very well.

Understandably, Hillary B. is in a bunch of trouble right now.

The one thing she has had going for her is that Hussein Obama is the most corrupt, dishonest president in modern history, and his justice department was run by the most corrupt attorney general in modern history, Eric Holder, which served to insulate The Amateur. What happens if Obama's corrupt justice department of justice experiences a slender flash of propriety and investigate Ms. Benghazi.

At that point Hillary is toast, because congress will already be there on it, and she will be double flanked, at which point, she will not be worried as much about the election as she will be concerned about jail time.
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 12:44 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Nixon’s secretary erased 18 ½ minutes of tape, Hillary erased 30,000 emails. Who is the crook now. Both were wrong, Nixon got his punishment, how about Hillary.

The “But Johnny and everybody is doing it” argument does not wash from either side.
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 12:30 pm By: Bobby Tony
An interesting series on "The 70's" is running on CNN. The lookback from 50 years is giving me insights I could not have at the time it was happening. For me the 70's involved new work full time in large churches in SC---Easley, Hartsville, Bishopville. The new SEBTS grad with his Master of Divinity had much work to do with youth and Sunday School teachers while being the Associate Pastor getting to preach some. At Bishopville it was the first Senior Minister duty added to Youth and Education. Sermons seemed to come every other day for the new Preacher. . .

Jim and Tammy Faye Baker were new to the TBN Network which broadcast full time religious stuff. Dr. Charles Stanley was there, Pat Robertson, many evangelists like Jimmy Swaggart had their day. In 50 years, some have gone down in embarrassing immoral activities --- and some still are on our local channels each Sunday.

The most striking thing for me last night was the review of the Oil Embargo, Iran hostages taken after the Shah (whose corrupt regime we backed) was deposed when the Muslim fundamentalists wanted to kill him, we gave him shelter. Nixon ran the show, then Ford, finally Jimmy Carter. It was the time we started distrusting truth and were badly hurt over Watergate's sordid revelations. Our own NC Senator, Sam Ervin was a voice for truth during those hearings. He carried only a copy of the Constitution in his coat pocket to chair the Investigation Hearings of Congress vs. Nixon.

Since then, "get even" politics has been firmly in place. The mindset has been, "You got our Republican boy and now we get you back any way we can." The word, "Impeach" has come out with each administration since---except Reagan---whose Iran-Contra stuff got a pass from the Press and Congress.

I think that fell in the category of "Too much manure in the pasture of America shows too much of how smelly our politics has become." It is a shame that the smell won't seem to go away from the sad days of Watergate . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 7:50 am By: Gene Scarborough
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