Would Jesus Carry a Gun??? Part I | Eastern North Carolina Now

    I was peacefully shopping at our local Wal-Mart. It is a joy to be in that particular store, although I normally hate the crowds at them elsewhere. In another town where I used to live there were 2 stores.

    One was close to downtown and it was always a mess. People shouted across the store at one another. Many push and shove to get to some bargain. Nobody ever puts back the clothes they rip from the shelf. It was always a mess. The other store was about 15 miles away and totally different. There, people speak and laugh. Politely, people look at goods and put them where they found them. The whole experience was nice—especially compared to "crazy" Wal-Mart a few miles away.

    I was looking around at the children starting to get school supplies in our nice store. Others were looking for toys to use in the pool. All over people were smiling and congenial. I particularly noticed a young mother who was somewhat attractive. She had a young child sitting in her cart. She was dressed casually, but neatly. I will admit to admiring her looks. My eyes wandered down to see her jeans---and there, on her hip---WAS AN AUTOMATIC PISTOL IN A HOLSTER.

    I looked again. Surely she must be an off-duty lady cop, but NO. She was a pistol-packing young momma in a peaceful place! She didn't even have a tattoo. She wore jeans and not short shorts.

    Otherwise, she looked like a future Mrs. NC.

    I would not have been so shocked, had we been in some places of a bigger city. One I know intimately has turned into a drug and crime place where murders happen every week, if not every day. Every major gang is represented there. After midnight you could drive to an overhead bridge, get out and listen, there will be gunfire every hour. But not in my peaceful town!

    Why carry the pistol in a peaceful and safe place? Why do so with your child in the cart??? If it is safe enough to bring a small child, why strap your Glock to your side?

    I was dumbfounded. I had never seen such---except in pictures from Texas. I have always viewed NC as a cultured state in a somewhat uncultured South where racists of all colors are raging these days. Our state had one of the first tax-funded Universities. It is recognized for many fine schools and people "a cut above." "The State" magazine and programs on public TV show what a wonderful place NC is!

    Why the pistol by your side, pretty momma? You look otherwise like my sweet and attractive daughter who has 4 boys. She might carry a shock collar to control them, but a Glock???

    I so wanted to stop and chat. I was curious as to what was her thinking.

    How do you reconcile bringing your small child to a nice store, yet feel the need to pack heat?

    I am interested what some might say in the commentary below. I shall write more in the next days about what I saw and why it is necessary these days. Is it really "necessary?"

    The most important thing is that our area is a church-going place. Here so many attend church regularly and with a good fervor. A good religious discussion is not foreign here. It is a natural part of our nice place.

    Would Jesus carry a gun????
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( August 9th, 2014 @ 7:19 pm )
Stan---I can say honestly that we have different perspectives at times and are almost like twins at others! I appreciate the possibilities of far-and-wide readership as we take on the issues common to mankind.

They never really change. There is hate / there is love / all things in between. I advocate for love and forgiveness. I have had my share of enemies along the way who tried to do me great harm.

Thanks be to God, He has been with me every step of the way, my brother!!!
( August 9th, 2014 @ 9:53 am )
As you and I have discussed, and both agree, the Holy Spirit is slowly dying in our nation, and at quickened pace throughout the world.

I have also told you that BCN, as maybe the first 'Moderated Informational Platform', intends to be that platform to all well intended contributors, such as yourself, who wish to spread their discussion as far as they can, and as long as they as they are able. The word of our Lord is a fine word to spread, and I pray it will become a big part of our County NOWs.

BCN is Social, and can do much of what Facebook does, except we do not have their magnificent readership base; however ...

What we do that they can't, or won't do, and what we can do is: we are geocentric; we are moderated - no bragging about babies and pets on a daily basis; we can associate and delineate by categories and rather quickly by process; and we never take your post down, which Facebook does eventually. We, and your words, hope to exist for perpetuity ... to contribute a difference for our God's World, as long as it exists, as per His wishes.

BCN will endeavor to do what no one else does, no online newspapers, e-magazines, twitter or Facebook.

We have developed the technology and we intend to use it for the betterment of all.
( August 8th, 2014 @ 4:07 pm )
One thing I can say for sure, Stan ~~~ I am not paid clergy so I can do my best to tell it like I see it! People can't fire me from Social Security income / if a church asked me to be their Interim Pastor, I can leave at any time. No amount of money is worth lying if you know better!!!

"Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."
( August 8th, 2014 @ 11:15 am )
Thanks Gene,

You still serve a valuable purpose in this society, such as it is, and that is a wonderful thing.
( August 8th, 2014 @ 11:00 am )
Look, fellows --- I shoot a .270 BAR with a Sworski scope at 100 yards = 3 shots in a 3" circle. I can be deadly, if necessary.

Jesus used a whip (hurt but not deadly) and a towel to wash feet of Disciples vying for a special seat to his right at the Last Supper. In both cases, he got his message across with more love than hate!

I am doing a 3rd article on the "Biblical use of force" referred to me by John. I hope it will say some important things for us to consider in Beaufort County.
( August 8th, 2014 @ 10:30 am )
John, you are right.

Guns, especially rifles, are an American symbol of liberty. We have won so many wars because of our soldiers ability to aim small and shoot straight.

They learned this skill as young men and women, owning their own firearms, and knowing that the firearm is just another tool. A tool well intertwined in the history of this once great nation.
( August 8th, 2014 @ 9:41 am )
Your last comment sums up quite well what I make of it. Jesus was no coward, when the time was appropriate, He used violence in righteousness. Then, again when the time called for it, He was compassionate and spoke against unnecessary violence. The only complexity of the issue is when to use use violence righteously, and when to avoid it. If violence was immoral in and of itself, and the weapons of violence also, we would not have Law Enforcement, the Military, or any other defense against physical evil; so long as we desired to be moral people. The question is less "would Jesus carry a gun," and more "when would righteous men use a gun."
( August 7th, 2014 @ 10:36 am )
Sadly, guns will always be a necessity.

Evil is afoot in this world, and I will not shrink from the opportunity to defend myself, my family, my immediate community, my nation.
( August 7th, 2014 @ 10:26 am )
John---I thank you for your observations. Jesus DID take a whip (which was non-lethal) and whip the mess out of Money-changers profiting from religion. A little later he took a towel and washed the feet of Disciples fighting and fussing among themselves over who would sit where relative to Jesus.

In both cases, he was "fully human." Anyone who wants to depict Christ as so Divine, he was different from us coping with a troubled world, does not know the Gospels very well---nor the real "spirit of Christ" with the guidance of the Holy Spirit he provides us with today.

It is a complex issue. I see not bright future in a society ruled by a gun in the hands of all. Peter cut off the ear of a Roman Soldier with his "lethal sword." Jesus didn't praise him in the least AND healed the ear severed from the man's head area!

What do you make of this??? I am open to any discussion and ideas by any reader, my friend.
( August 7th, 2014 @ 9:58 am )
Gene, what you are trying to accomplish is shaming people into not defending themselves from harm by holding them to an impossible standard. Jesus did not have to "stoop" to carrying a gun (Thanks Mr. Deatherage, for joining the shaming) because He was the Son of God. The rest of us are mere mortals living in an evil world, in the world but not of it. I encourage you again to take a look at www.biblicalselfdefense.com.
( July 29th, 2014 @ 10:37 am )
I have composed a second article on this subject. It will, hopefully, be up today or soon. This is a subject worthy of discussion ~~~ and more than my thoughts---which are still "in process."
( July 28th, 2014 @ 5:20 pm )

Is the result of my Google query. The Gospel Parallels shows it to be the ONLY place Jesus is recorded to say this. The Nestle Greek Text has an alternate rendering of one manuscript.

I am studying it closely. You can, by the way get a T-shirt with it printed on the shirt --- IF anyone wants to get into "bumper-sticker" land.
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