News Release:
Saturday, April 4, 2015
2:00 pm
Bring your Easter baskets because Goose Creek State Park will be holding its annual Easter celebration. We will host two Easter Egg Hunts. One hunt will be for ages 5 and under, and the other hunt will be for ages 6 to 10. There are only 12 spaces available for each hunt so REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Along with the hunts we will be playing games and enjoying a wonderful afternoon outside. Please call the park office for more information and registration at
(252) 923-2191.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Flatty Creek Hike
2:00 pm
Come out for a short hike down to the water at Flatty Creek where we’ll have an amazing view of the marsh and river. While we’re hiking we’ll discuss some of the ecology of that particular area of the park and how it has changed over time. Meet at the parking lot at the entrance to the campground.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Introduction to Forestry
2:00 pm
What is forestry? Find out about its importance, history and practices. Meet in the visitor center.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Tar Kiln Demonstration
2:00 pm
What is a tar kiln? Where did the term “tar heel” come from? Join us for an amazing program where we will not only answer these questions, but we will actually SHOW YOU! We will be going back in time and “working” a real tar kiln to produce tar and pitch like many of our ancestors once did. This program will last approximately one hour and we will be outside, so please dress for the weather. Meet at the park visitor center and we will take a short walk to the demonstration area.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Earth Day Hike - Mallard Creek Hike
2:00 pm
An easy mile hike through pine hardwood forests ends at a small overlook on Mallard Creek. Wear sturdy footwear, bring water and binoculars. Meet in the last parking lot.
There are many of craggy trees along the coast of Goose Creek State Park: Above. photo by Stan Deatherage
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Amphibian Read and Hike
2:00 pm
This self-guided hike will lead you down our beautiful Palmetto Boardwalk where you will find a variety of short poems and stories based on amphibians. The boardwalk goes through prime habitat for many of our amphibian species. So keep your eyes and ears open in search of these amazing critters. The hike will be set up from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., so come at your convenience. Please stop in the park visitor center to get a map before beginning.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Ticks, Chiggers and Mosquitos
2:00 pm
Learn about everyone’s least favorite critters, how to avoid them, get rid of them and what diseases they can potentially carry. Meet in the visitor center.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Tar Kiln Hike
10:00 am
Take a hike down the Tar Kiln Trail to see the evidence that remains from the naval stores industry that supplied tar, pitch and turpentine to much of the world during the 18th and 19th centuries. Meet at the Ivey Gut Trail parking lot.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
National Kids to Park Day
2:00 pm
Load the kids up and head out to visit Goose Creek State Park. You will be led on an awesome adventure through one of our swamps. We will stop and catch a variety of critters for the kids to view. Some may be big, some may be small. You never know what you will find in nature’s playground, but we will do our best to make this day unforgettable! Please meet at the park visitor center. You may want to bring water, sunscreen and bug spray.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Palmetto Boardwalk Hike
2:00 pm
Take a walk through a hardwood swamp and see how it’s changing into a marsh. Meet at the visitor center.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Mallard Creek Hike
2:00 pm
Go for a one-mile hike down to the water on Mallard Creek. We’ll be walking through a Loblolly Pine plantation and end up in an old mixed stand of Loblolly Pine and hardwoods that are draped with Spanish Moss. We’ll discuss what this area would have looked like when the early settlers arrived and also some of the ecology of the forest, Mallard Creek and the Pamlico River. Meet in the last parking lot.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
National Trails Day
2:00 pm
Celebrate National Trails Day with a ¾ mile hike along the Ivey Gut Trail. Bring water and bug spray. Meet in the campground parking lot at the entrance to the campground.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
National Trails Day
10:00 am
We will discuss the industry that shaped the Southeastern US from colonial times up until the early 1900s, see what our area looked like before this industry, while it was happening, and the results that we are left with now. Meet in the visitor center.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
National Get Outdoors Day
10:00 am
Celebrate “National Get Outdoors Day” with Goose Creek State Park. We are offering a short half-mile hike that goes through a beautiful pine forest and along the gorgeous Pamlico River. After the hike we encourage you to enjoy the park even more by packing a picnic lunch, grilling, swimming at our swim beach or even exploring more of our diverse and beautiful hiking trails. Please meet in the last parking lot.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Black Bears
2:00 pm
Meet at the visitor center for a power point presentation about North Carolina’s native bear.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Discovery Room
2:00 pm
Bring the family out to see examples of many of the mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds that live in the different habitats at Goose Creek State Park. Afterwards, feel free to hike the Palmetto Boardwalk and try to spot some of the animals you’ve seen. Meet in the visitor center.
Vanessa Fischer
Goose Greek State Park
2190 Camp Leach Road
Washington, NC 27889
(252) 923-2191