National Voter Registration Day | Eastern North Carolina Now

September 22 is National Voter Registration Day, and the State Board of Elections is encouraging North Carolina's 6.38 million voters to check their registration status online.

    National Voter Registration Day

    RALEIGH, N.C.     September 22 is National Voter Registration Day, and the State Board of Elections is encouraging North Carolina's 6.38 million voters to check their registration status online.

    "Civic participation through voting strengthens communities and the democratic process in our state," said Executive Director Kim Westbrook Strach.

    Registration in North Carolina is county-specific, so voters who have moved must update their registration.

    Current party affiliation and voter demographics statistics are as follows [high resolution charts are available]:

    The NC Division of Motor Vehicles was the largest source of voter registration activity last year with more than 45% of all registrations originating with DMV. Voter registration drives accounted for more than 12% of registrations.

    State Board of Elections staff and numerous county elections officials marked National Voter Registration Day by distributing voter registration applications at events throughout the state. State Board of Elections staff in Raleigh's Bicentennial Plaza also distributed materials highlighting new photo ID requirements and exceptions slated to begin in January.

    "Our agency stands ready to inform and to assist voters who may need help obtaining a free photo ID from the DMV," said Director Strach.

    Voters who wish to learn more about new voting procedures may visit

    Contact: Josh Lawson

     (919) 715-9194  •
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Addressing tomorrow (Wednesday September 25) at 3:30 pm at 208 North Market Street, ground floor.


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