SAVVAS curriculum claims there are more genders than male and female | Eastern North Carolina Now

more leftist ideological dogma from company selected by BCS superintendant


SAVVAS, the leftwing company that Beaufort County School superintendant Cheeseman wants to provide Beaufort County's social studies curriculum is under fire in yet another state, this time Arizona, after their curriculums have already been rejected in Florida as too woke.  Florida education officials found that even SAVVAS' math curriculum was injected by woke.

In Arizona, a school board member recently elected as an advocate for parents rights has called out SAVVAS' "science" curriculum for claiming gender was not binary, or in other words that there are more sexes out there than just men and women.  Even the British media has now picked up this story.

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( February 1st, 2023 @ 7:48 am )
Sexualizing children means putting materials of a sexual nature, heterosexual or homosexual, in front of children at a too young age. In their promotion of homosexuality, this is what the woke are doing. Sexual topics should be restricted to children old enough to understand that type of material and should not be pornographic in nature.

Most parents do not want anyone, including the sshools trying to push their kids into deviant lifestyles. I worry about the Tom Boys, who are NOT lesbians or "transgenders" but woke teachers may try to push them that way. Parents in Beaufort County are already being blindsided by school personnel. There is a boy at Southside who comes to school every day properly dressed as a boy and the school personnel allow him to change clothes and pretend to be a girl, then change back to go home. One ownders if they let him in the girls locker room.

Hungary has a great law on this subject that we should copy. They make it a criminal felony for any adult to present sexual topics to children without the parents' permission. That includes teachers. It includes everybody.

A company whose "science" curriculum says that there are more than two genders is not presenting science. They are presenting radical political proganda, not science.
Big Bob said:
( January 31st, 2023 @ 9:07 pm )
Clearly some minds are made up. Before I leave the topic, please remember that the teachers in the county are our neighbors and friends. The gay or trans kids and their families are our neighbors and friends.. Beaufort County teachers are not sexualizing your kids. You should be ashamed for suggesting they do.
Pass all the draconian laws you can. It doesn't change anything. All it does is make some people miserable. Quite the accomplishment.
( January 31st, 2023 @ 7:43 pm )
This SAVVAS company sounds like they are rotten to the core.

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