School board to vote on Common Core aligned math curriculum | Eastern North Carolina Now

Opposed by teachers at schools that perform best of standard NC math tests


Pushed by Beaufort County School Superintendant Matthew Cheeseman, the Beaufort County School Board is trying to fast track a new math curriculum that is closely aligned with the highly controversial Common Core.  Parents across the state have been fighting to remove the confusing Common Core from schools for years, seeing that it is compromising the mathematical ability of their children.  The Math Learning Center boasts on its wevsite that it Bridges math curriculum is closely aligned with Common Core.

Speakers at the last school board meeting who had researched the Bridges curriculum on the internet also revealed that it contained some "woke" elements injected into its math curriculum. It was also reported that teachers at the two local schools that perform best in math scores in standardized tests are opposed to the Bridges curriculum.

Cheeseman is fast tracking this curriculum without giving school board members, parents, or the public time to examine it.  That is an arrogant and undemocratic approaach. 

The vote on this math curriculum is set for next Tuesday's meeting that starts at 5:30 at the school board's meeting room at the old PS Jones school.

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( April 28th, 2023 @ 8:02 pm )
Well, your handle is a good description of the content of your posts. Bridges itself, on its own website, boasts that it is aligned with Common Core, and here is the smoking gun:
So do some independnet studies from educational publications, but the rules of this site only allow me to post one link and I have used that for the link from the Bridges site.

I'll bet you are all in for the "woke" Marxist alphabet soup of CRT, DEI, and ESG. From the research of others, that is also in Bridges. But parents across ideological lines have been fighting Common Core since it was first thrust upon US schools. It is a problem unrelated to CRT, DEI, or ESG. The school official who claimed that Bridges has nothing to do with Common Core was not telling those at that meeting the truth. That is the liar you should be concerned about.
Lies said:
( April 28th, 2023 @ 7:11 pm )
John you cannot get out of the way of your own wrong comments. As a parent we need to start to stand up against your Buzz words. Get with life oh I bet you are a Hood person that feels this country decrease in size is good. As a parent I have sat on the sidelines long enough I see the same 2 or 3 get up there and talk in public and say the same stuff. Send me the next education meeting I am an African American parent and would like to know what you are trying to get into our schools. #tiredofbackwoodspeop le
( April 28th, 2023 @ 2:36 pm )
All you have to do is look on the website for Bridges, and they say it aligns with Common Core math. Who "told" that it was "not" Common Core math? Education bureaucrats who were trying to push it through. The same education bureaucrats who "told" that SAVVAS wid not contain CRT concepts. They "told" what they thought would help their cause, NOT what was true.
Lies said:
( April 28th, 2023 @ 1:41 pm )
Lies, I was in the room as a parent at the last meeting on a number of questions it was told this is not common core. I personally have looked over this and it is not common core math. As a parent I am tired of the old people in there telling lies about this county that are not true. My child will do better under this math and we need to move forward!!!
( April 28th, 2023 @ 9:38 am )
The elephant in the room that the school administration seems to be denying is TRANSPARENCY. I asked a couple of the school board members if they had been given access to all of this new curriculum to evaluate it and they had not. Have any been given access to it? Then there is the public, the parents and taxpayers, who should also have had a means of access if they wanted so they could make informed comments on it. That has not been given. The school administration seems to be demanding that the board vote on a pig in a poke, and that demand is arrogant and an affront to democracy. Elected board members need to be fully informed on what they are asked to vote on, not expected to rubber stamp the superintendant's desires. The public also needs to be fully informed. The school administration needs to be taught a lesson in democracy by putting off the vote on this curriculum until there is full transparency on it.
( April 27th, 2023 @ 4:09 pm )
Want to see some of the reasons Common Core math is so disliked by parents? Here are some examples;
Big Bob said:
( April 27th, 2023 @ 3:23 pm )
Sorry, posted on the thread
( April 27th, 2023 @ 10:45 am )
Does everything in the world for you revolve around either race or more often gay / transgender? The issue here is about Common Core, a method of teaching math that is denounced by many parents as not working and as destroying the math ability of their children. Common Core has been highly controversial since it appeared on the scene.
Big Bob said:
( April 27th, 2023 @ 9:20 am )
Gay kids have parents.
( April 27th, 2023 @ 7:42 am )
I guess we will see which school board members stand up for parents and which RINOs and Democrats are flunkies of the liberal control freak superintendant. Common Core is hated by parents and damages the math abilities of our children.

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