Three states investigate Dem contribution firm ActBlue for money laundering | Eastern North Carolina Now

firm has been central in recent Kamala Harris contributions


A major Democrat Party contribution processing firm that has been central to the recent Kamala Harris fund raising, ActBlue, is under investigation for possible money laundering by three states.  This comes after investigators have found improbable numbers of contributions from people of very limited means, some of whom when approached have denied making the contributions or knowing anything about them.

The Attorneys General of Virginia and Missouri and the Secretary of State of Wyoming have launched investigations into possible money laundering, reporting contributions under names other than those of the actual contributors.  In one identified case, a named individual, who was retired and lives in a very modest house, would have had to have averaged ten contributions a day for 575 days if ActBlue reports are accurate.

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( August 3rd, 2024 @ 4:51 pm )
It is not like it was the first time. ActBlue has already been fined $44.000 once before for this sort of thing.
Big Bob said:
( August 3rd, 2024 @ 8:42 am )
So scared, so sad.

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