1 in 20 of all Syrians now live in Germany and most are on welfare | Eastern North Carolina Now

this is costing Germany billions and it is what open borders does


An explosion of illegal alien migrants from Syria into Germany since 2013 has led to 1 in 20 of all Syrian citizens now being residents of Germany and most of them are on welfare.  This is costing Germany billions and it is what open borders does to a country.  Hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens are also lurking in many other western European countries.

In Germany in 2013, there were 60,000 Syrians in living there.  Now there are 972,000, and 513.534 of them are recieving benefits of Burgergeld, the main German welfare program intended for citizens, with most of the rest receiving welfare payments under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.

There has been a similar explosion of Afghans living in Germany, also mostly on welfare.  Indeed 14% of the residents of Germany are now illegal aliens.


This is exactly where America is headed under Biden-Harris.

British music satire on illegal alien asylum seeker parasites entitled "Brand New Leather Jacket":


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( August 5th, 2024 @ 8:52 am )
The "parole pipelline" that was just shut down for massive fraud involved Biden-Harris flying in illegal aliens, some previously deported, direct from their home countries at taxpayer expense, at the rate of 30,000 per month for much of the administration. That is certainly bringing them in, and at OUR expense. Otherwise, "catch and release" is letting them in. It ought to be "catch and expell". Ending the Trump policy of Remain in Mexico is also bringing them in.

That bill you bellyache about, Little Bobbie, did nothing to stop illegal immigration, but to the contrary it codified Biden-Harris open borders policies. That "one of their own" was an amnesty hound traitor from Oklahoma, who will be dealt with in his next primary. The Oklahome GOP has withdrawn its support from him.
Big Bob said:
( August 4th, 2024 @ 9:11 am )
JB and KH aren't bringing in anyone. The flow across the boarder isn't new. Republicans had a chance to do something with a bill sponsored by one of their own but declined because its a better campaign issue.
MAGA - the carpet never matches the drapes
( August 5th, 2024 @ 7:14 am )
I see that massive anti-migration protests and riots are sweeping the UK after a migrant did a mass stabbing of little girls, killing three and injuring nine. Even in Northern Ireland, the Protestents and Catholics put aside their longstanding differences to put on joint rallies against illegal immigration. www.zerohedge.com
( August 4th, 2024 @ 7:46 am )
A very large percentage of the illegal aliens that Biden-Harris are bringing in are also welfare deadbeats. It is the same throughout the western world with the Thrid World illegal aliens pouring in. A lot of them who are coming in to all western countries are also criminals. We need to put a total stop to illegal immigration and solely allow people to stay who have come in by the legal process. Most claims for "asylum" by these fraudsters are total lies.

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