British magazine points out ABC News conflict of interest on presidential debate | Eastern North Carolina Now

Kamala Harris has inside connection at ABC News


President Trump missed the biggest reason why ABC News has a conflict of interest in hosting a presidential debate that includes Kamala Harris, but the world's oldest new magazine, The Spectator, published in the UK has called it out.

ABC News is owned by woke Disney, and the executive at Disney who is in charge of all of their media holdings, including ABC News is Dana Walden, who has been a close personal friend of Kamala Harris for thrity years.  This is a massive conflict of interest for ABC News to host such a debate.

The debates should be negotiated behind the scenes by appointees of each candidate, not by statements in public of the candidates themselves.  Fair moderation of the debates has always been a problem, and a good solution would be to have two moderators, one chosen by each campaign.   Or have no moderator at all like the famed Lincoln-Douglas debates.  Live stream it on the internet if the big media companies try to insist on their operatives running the debate.

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