The Gang of Five circles the wagons | Eastern North Carolina Now

If we vote the way we have always voted we will get the kind of government we have always gotten


By:   Hood Richardson

Protecting your political accomplices is considered mandatory within both parties.  Those who are honest, ethical and are not troublemakers should expect support from those within their political party or faction.  Actually, those who are honest, ethical and not troublemakers should get the same support from the opposing party.   Otherwise, one group or the other supports dishonesty and troublemakers.  

This brings us to another uneasy situation.  That is voting for candidates simply because they have an “R” or a “D” (Republican or Democrat) after their name on the ballot.  Take out the national elections for President and Vice President because they are too polarizing.  Consider the multitude of other candidates, from governors to senators to commissioners and school boards.  Both parties have some good candidates and some very bad candidates.

In addition to considering a candidate’s political party, we should consider all other things we know about them and not vote for those who are not honest or are unethical or enjoy making trouble.  Normal people can usually sort through the smoke and mirrors of political battle and the internet in order to figure out who the best candidates are.  We should not cling to party loyalty in the face of the red flags.

There has been some questionable and disappointing behavior among both Republicans and Democrats who serve on the Boards of Commissioners and the School Board during the past few years.  These officials are responsible for policy making, day to day operations of the County and School Board, and the protection of public property and money.  There is a “clique” of good old boys consisting of six school board members and five commissioners. To further cement things, there are two sets of husbands and wives.  The husbands have never voted against the wives.  This group (clique) believes they are in control of both the County Commissioners and the School Board.  There is no open government anymore. Major decisions are made out of the view of the public and not in open board meetings.

Conservatives have been voted down and blocked in having status reports on the McRoy fraud investigations involving several units of government in the Chocowinity area. Charges on file at the Beaufort County Court House involve Chocowinity EMS, Chocowinity Fire Department, Chocowinity Town Government, possibly Blount’s Creek Fire Department and possibly others.  Based on filings, the amount of money could be in the neighborhood of one million dollars.  Strong requests were presented a few years ago by myself and Commissioner Deatherage for forensic audits.  All requests were blocked by Commissioners Fake Frankie Waters, Rebholz, Ed Booth and Jerry Langley.  These same commissioners, along with Randy Walker, are now blocking requests by Commissioners Richardson and Deatherage for information about  the status of the suits and specifically how much money Beaufort County taxpayer have at risk.  This behavior is contrary to the fiduciary duty of Commissioners.  Who are they protecting and why?

An act of vandalism by graduating seniors at the Washington High School Cafeteria that did more than an estimated $15,000 in damage was  not pursued or prosecuted.  There has been no report of damage other than some seniors were not allowed to walk across the stage to get their diploma. My information is that no damages were paid by anyone.  Uh, well, the taxpayers paid.  I received information that a separate graduation ceremony for the “vandals’ was held.  Commissioner Deatherage and I made a motion at the July Commissioners meeting for the Superintendent of the Schools to appear and report on the vandalism and what the School Board Policy is for criminal activity on School property.  The motion was voted down by a 5 to 2 vote.  The two Democrats, Langley and Booth, along with the three RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) Rebholz, Waters, and Walker voted against the resolution. Again, these Commissioners are elected to protect the taxpayers' money and property.  They failed miserably.

There are serious deficiencies in construction of the new 52 million dollar consolidated elementary school.  Studies showing that consolidation into one building is the best use of the money have not been presented to anyone.  Alternatives have not been examined and set out in any report.  The public has not been allowed to comment.  Superintendent (The Big Cheese) Matthew Cheeseman made the decision out of thin air and the “Clique” fell into line.  The open meetings laws were violated when Chairman of the County Commissioners, Fake Frankie Waters, Superintendent Cheeseman and School Board Chairman, T. W. Allen, met in Greenville, without notice to the public or newspapers, and formed a committee to provide “oversight.”  The members of that committee are: Waters, Cheeseman and Allen.  Because I objected, as an afterthought, they are allowing School Board Members and County Commissioners to attend, along with the public.  This is corruption on a grand scale.

Issues surrounding the new school are: overbuilding (not enough students to fill it up without “importing from adjacent attendance areas), large numbers of small children in one mega school, crosstown busing of our youngest children  and the expense of busing, whether these consolidated schools provide quality education, and the benefits of neighborhood schools.  None of these have been addressed because the “Clique “failed to act.

New members of the School Board have been bullied.  They have been told they cannot answer questions for the public or make statements without the permission of the entire Board.  The spokesman for the Board is “The Big Cheese”.  There are several School Board members who have only one answer to any question from the public.  That answer is: “I will have the Superintendent call you.”  We have had School Board members who believe they work for the Superintendent.  Actually, the Board hires and fires the Superintendent.

Within the past few months, the School Board has renewed the “The Big Cheese’s” employment contract in closed session without public discussion, and in contradiction to the intent of the state law (that superintendent contracts now be extended if there is an impending election).  There are fears that a new School Board to be elected in November of 2024 may actually function as a board and take a new look at  Cheeseman’s contract and the construction of the 52 million dollar mistake.  To that end, there is a rush by what may be lame duck members to lock the School Board into a situation that would award the contract during the election of a new school board.  The setup looks like the new School Board would award the Contract but without time to carefully consider it.  Politically that would let the “Clique” off the hook whether or not they win the election.

The “Clique” is an example of how comfortable with power some people can get.  These people want the pride of holding an elective office, collecting some money, and not doing anything, because, in their limited mind “the bureaucrats know what to do”.  Or do they?  

Efficient, effective and honest government is not being delivered to the public.  Break up the “Clique” by electing some new School Board members and Commissioners.  Tandy Dunn and Hood Richardson are running on a conservative ticket.  John Rebholz is a liberal Republican, a member of the “Clique” and is trying to get public housing sponsored by Beaufort County government.  Randy Walker is the same as Rebholz.  Randy’s wife is a liberal member of the School Board. He has never voted against her.

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Big Bob said:
( August 17th, 2024 @ 9:09 am )
My eye. And that right there is why those kids will get away with it. Actually shocked HR keeps bring it up. A point for him.
( August 16th, 2024 @ 3:23 pm )
As usual with Bigot Bob, EVERYTHING is about race. I am glad it is not that way in the real world.
Van Zant said:
( August 16th, 2024 @ 2:53 pm )
I'm voting for everybody I can on the CONSERVATIVE ticket. There are no guarantees with Repubs. We know what Dems are these days.
Big Bob said:
( August 16th, 2024 @ 1:53 pm )
Nobody is clueless and your MLK loving act is … disingenuous
( August 16th, 2024 @ 11:51 am )
As usual, Bigot Bob is clueless.
Big Bob said:
( August 16th, 2024 @ 8:01 am )
Poor poor white man. Tell us all about the injustice of it all.
No really. Are you Ok?

Son, there’s always been a two tier justice system. You just never had to worry about it.
( August 15th, 2024 @ 8:10 pm )
Well, now that you mention it, Bobbie, under Biden-Harris, we do have a two tier justice system with one set of rules for Republicans and another for Democrats. But America has previously been built on a system of equality of opportunity and equality before the law. The opposing concept of equality of result comes from the Marxist ideology.
Big Bob said:
( August 15th, 2024 @ 5:48 pm )
You honestly think in 2024 all people in the US are treated equally? That’s your contention?
( August 15th, 2024 @ 2:09 pm )
Dr. Alveda King, niece of MLK, says "the only race that matters in the human race", She marched with her famous uncle and understands civil rights a lot better than the far left ideologues who try to distort it for their own purposes. Conservatives want to unite Americans and the far left wants to divide us for their own political purposes.

Who the vandals are has not been revealed, but our obnoxous troll wants to jump to conclusions to push his far left agenda.
Big Bob said:
( August 15th, 2024 @ 7:40 am )
The long standing racial divide is perpetuated when one group is punished, and one group is given a pass for doing the exact same thing.

In this county, rich white kids are held to a different standard than most others and it’s not right. It’s called privilege and it’s real.
Van Zant said:
( August 14th, 2024 @ 9:25 am )
JS - You're right. To Bob everything is framed in race. It is ironic because Bob and I should be allies on this community issue where people are not being held accountable. Because he refuses to see this as much bigger than race, we stay divided. Divide and conquer has been effective strategy for thousands of years - no end in sight.
Big Bob said:
( August 14th, 2024 @ 9:02 am )
How do you figure?
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