A sick example of why homosexuals should never be allowed to adopt kids | Eastern North Carolina Now

the house of horrors for 2 young boys adopted by gay activist couple


Two young boys in Georgia were adopted by a homosexual activist "married" male couple  and thus entered a house of horrors where they were raped and abused.  That abuse included prostituting them out to other homosexuals and making gay kiddie porn with them which they sold. The homosexuals were tried, convicted, and sentenced to a hundred years in prison for what they did, but these two poor kids have had their lives ruined.  The two perps have also been prominent Democrat party activists.






Homosexual adoption should be prohibited by law.  The judge who approved these adoptions should be ashamed of himself.

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( December 30th, 2024 @ 5:26 pm )
I remember in the 3rd grade when a popular "comeback" line was "it takes one to know one". I really had not heard that comeback line used since then until Little Bobbie started posting that concept in slightly different words. I guess his mind and thinking has not progressed much since the 3rd grade. Most of us have grown out of that childishness.
( December 30th, 2024 @ 12:17 pm )
The one on these boards who is clearly a self loather is Bigot Bob, at least if he is telling the truth about being white. He tells the truth about so little, that might not even be true.
Big Bob said:
( December 30th, 2024 @ 11:47 am )
Self loathing is no way to live big guy.

Just use the door.
( December 30th, 2024 @ 9:11 am )
Translated from Bigot Bob's Orwellian Newspeak, when he says "None of this is true" it really means "all of it is true."
Big Bob said:
( December 29th, 2024 @ 5:20 pm )
None of that is true. Bad actors in all walks of life.

RH- we love you buddy. What ever you struggle with, its OK.
Big Bob said:
( December 29th, 2024 @ 7:43 pm )
No heterosexual couple should ever be allowed to foster or adopt. Clearly these type of people are high risk. Please just protect the children.

( December 29th, 2024 @ 1:26 pm )
The problem is that once one is a sexual deviant, they are more prone to other types of deviant behaviot. No one who is into any type of deviant sexual behavior, be it wife swapping, incest, sadomasochism, bestiality, homosexualitiy, group sex, or whatever should be allowed to adopt children. For some reason, Bobbie seems to have a tunnel vision on homosexuality, but that bar should apply to all deviant sexual behaviors, both ones that are legal and illegal.
Big Bob said:
( December 29th, 2024 @ 9:23 am )
Big Bob denounces the rape of anyone.
Hetero or homo, it's very very wrong.

RH has confused pedophilia with homosexuality.
RH wants you to think they are the same which they clearly are not. Why does rh do this?

Who knows? Some use the hate as cover for their own sexual issues and insecurities. RH, what ever you do in the bedroom with other consenting adults is none on anyones business. No need to hate yourself or others.
( December 29th, 2024 @ 8:56 am )
That something is legal has nothing to do with whether it is deviant or not. Children should not be exposed to lots of sexual activities that are legal. Sadomasochism is legal but it is also deviant. Bestiality is both deviant and illegal.

What I do not see in Bigot Bob's comments is any denunciation of these homosexuals for their raping children, pimping children out to other homosexuals, and making gay kiddie porn with these children, all things they have been convicted of in court.
Big Bob said:
( December 28th, 2024 @ 8:15 am )
Gay sex among consenting adults is not deviancy.
Big bob has no idea what RH does in his bedroom, and Big Bob does not want to know.
Big Bob said:
( December 28th, 2024 @ 8:18 am )
And I will add, by RH's logic one should never allow their child to participate in a church youth group or be involved with the Catholic Church or Boy Scouts.

All well documented sources of diviancy.
( December 27th, 2024 @ 5:13 pm )
People who are already involved in one type of sexual deviancy are more likely to also be involved or prone to others. It is a red flag. That would apply to all sexual perversions. Giving a child of the same gender as the homosexual / lesbian couple is also too much of a temptation. It is like hiring a known arsonist for the fire department.
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