Lessons from Italy's success may be example in cutting US illegal immigration | Eastern North Carolina Now

Italy's conservative government has substantially reduced illegal alien arrivals


Steps taken by Italy's populist conservative government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni have blocked 200,000 illegal aliens from arriving on Italy's shores, drastically reducing illegal alien arrivals from prior years.  The key to this success has been tying Italy's foreign aid to the countries from which the illegal aliens depart to reach Italy to those countries taking major concrete steps to prevent those departures.  With that incentive in place, those governments have been busy doing the things that keep the migrants from setting out for Italy.


This contrasts to places like France, departure point for migrants going to the UK, where there have been pictures published of police standing watching migrant boats set off from French shores for the UK.  French government boats have even escorted them halfway across.  While the UK does not give foreign aid to France, obviously, there should be other incentives the British could give to stop that.

The US does give foreign aid to the countries migrants pass through, as well as their origin counties.  Foreign aid can be used as a tool to make them crack down and to take their migrants back.

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Big Bob said:
( January 8th, 2025 @ 8:39 pm )
Let's watch CV or RH get jacked up by a mob like that on national television.

They talk Josh Hawley tough, but I bet both run just like him.

( January 8th, 2025 @ 7:01 pm )
Murphy is a bush league Romney wannabee, totally useless.

The Democrats tried to steer away from the actual instigators. There was a known and identified ATIFA operative on video in Trump gear egging people on and repeatedly yelling "burn it down". There was another operative on tape egging people on at several key points, and even the night before telling people that on the next day they had to go into the Capitol at which point actual Trump supporters started saying "Fed, Fed, Fed!" He was finally slapped on the wrist. Then years after the fact there was an admission finally of dozens of federal operatives present.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, a mob has hundreds of arms and legs but no head. The Democrats knew they just needed a few agitators to whip up a mob mentality. That is also why the Democrats did not want solid security at the Capitol and Nancy Pelosi made sure it was not there.
( January 8th, 2025 @ 2:18 pm )
The cause of death of the police office Bobbie mentions was unrelated to the riot. One rioter was executed by a rogue police officer and a couple other rioters died at the scene from what police officers did. It would have been so much better if Pelosi had accepted those National Guard soldiers that President Trump offered and she refused.
( January 8th, 2025 @ 1:43 pm )
Big Bob: Thank-you Big Bob for owning up to the truth: Only Ashli Babbitt was killed during the "mostly peaceful" riot of January 6, 2021.
Big Bob said:
( January 8th, 2025 @ 11:19 am )
Sucks when one of your own tells the truth.

Stan- Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by the Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes, including a police officer who died of natural causes a day after being assaulted by rioters. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers.
Van Zant said:
( January 8th, 2025 @ 10:17 am )
Even mealy mouth Murphy never called January 6th an insurrection. That incorrect term is only used by Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney and the Big Boobs of the world.

Concerning the illegal alien problem, we should not be aiding countries that are undermining our own security.
( January 8th, 2025 @ 9:43 am )
Greg Murphy? For years we had a great congressman in Walter Jones, Jr. but Murphy is not fit to shine his shoes. You can never figure out which side Murphy is on because he plays both of them. Before he decided he wanted to be a legislator and the opening was on the Republican side, the only political fundraiser Murphy had ever attended was for a DEMOCRAT. As a Republican legislator in the 2016 general election, he made derogatory comments about Trump to the Greenville Daily Reflector. In his primary for Congress he begged the Freedom Caucus for support and pledged that he would join them if he got elected. The Freedom Caucus got involved in the primary and their endorsement of Murphy was critical in his winning the primary. Immediately on getting to Congress, he swtiched sides, did not join the Freedom Caucus but became a toady for the establishment RINO leadership. The upshot is that Greg Murphy cannot be trusted any farther than you can throw the Capitol building. He has always been a double-dealing backstabber.

Greg Murphy has ambitions to be governor, but I would rather be become an ex-congressman. Eastern NC Reputlicans can do a heck of a lot better than slimeball Murphy. We need to find another Walter Jones.

As to the Capitol riot on January 6, I don't think anyone on these boards think it should have happened, but we realize it was a set up by Pelosi and the Democrats. Heck if you listen to some of the conversations between Capitol police during the riot recorded on their communications system, the Capitol police themselves are talking about how they were set up by not being given the resources in manpower for their mission. It was Pelosi who did that. The investigation that should have happened and did not was of who set up the whole thing. That is why Pelosi broke House rules to refuse any appointees of the Republican Caucus on her stacked January 6 committee.
( January 8th, 2025 @ 8:25 am )
Big Bob: You make a whole bunch of Leftist pronouncements, completely in error, so I asked who died specifically, and you said nothing.

Dredging up a Greg Murphy comment means nothing, as well, when it comes to what is real, which you obviously have no grasp of.
Big Bob said:
( January 7th, 2025 @ 9:47 pm )
Tonight, Rep. Greg Murphy called you guys an embarrassment.
I agree.

“But those instigators who participated in the violence should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The lawless mob we saw attack the very building where legislative business takes place was an embarrassment. In the midst of a Constitutional debate, we saw our democracy threatened,” Murphy said in an op-ed published in The Daily Reflector."
Big Bob said:
( January 7th, 2025 @ 10:46 am )
Big Bob said:
( January 7th, 2025 @ 10:46 am )
Stan - if you cant see things as they really are, with some allowances of interpretation, how can anyone trust you?

Anyone on the other side of that mob was terrified, including Josh (run josh run) Hawley.

People died.
( January 7th, 2025 @ 10:05 am )
Stan, I saw the same thing happen in Moldova with the "Twitter Revolution" when I was there advising pro-western political parties. Crowds of students were in front of the Presidency, turned out by Twitter messages, protesting Communist cheating in a Parliamentary election. Communist agitators infiltrated the crowd to get them to storm first the Presidency and then the Parliament doing lots of damage to both. The Communists blamed this on the pro-western parties and produced a TV "documentary" entitled "Attack on Moldova" which was broadcast on the government run TV network several times. Even with cheating, the Communists came up one seat short and were unable to buy anyone from another party off, although they tried and made some big offers, so there had to be a new election. In the polling I commissioned for that election, our pollster, the Gallup Organization, found that most Moldovans did not believe the Communists' contention that the pro-western parties were responsible for what happened to the Presidency and Parliament buildings. The Communists lost that next election.

It looks like the US voters followed the same pattern of seeing through the propaganda.
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